Posts by Craig Ballantyne
A Secret to Making Your To-Do List
Once upon a time, as the consulting legend goes, a young man named Ivy Lee was asked to help an American captain of industry be more productive. According to Earl Nightingale, the author who made the story famous, young Lee delivered a simple solution. He found most employees wasted their time in the morning because they…
Read MoreUncensored 5 Exercise Metabolic Kickstarter Circuit
Last week Men’s Health contacted me for another fat-blasting workout, so I put together an awesome five exercise circuit, but there’s only one problem. They’re going to censor it. Why? Because, *sigh*, they always do. There’s always a problem. It either has too many exercises (“We only have room for 3 photos“, they’ll say) or…
Read MoreHow to Fix Your Bad Diet Habits
Today you’re going to hear a BIG secret. But I have to warn you, it’s a double edged sword. If you put this secret to work for you, it can make your life so much easier. BUT… If you aren’t careful, this secret can work against YOU, and cause you a LOT of misery. Use…
Read MoreThe Truth About Today
It never ceases to amaze me that I can write words on paper (or the computer) to convince people to send me money. The subject of persuasion is endlessly fascinating. Today, I’m going to introduce you to one of the most effective psychological hot buttons – one that you can profit from immediately. I’m talking…
Read MoreWhy Whey Protein is the Best Drink for After a Fat Loss Workout
There’s no competition. This one drink has been proven over and over again to deliver the most important ingredient that everyone needs to have after exercise. It’s true for runners, for people losing weight, for grandmas (like my mom), and even growing teenagers. But no, it’s not Gatorade, despite what the expensive commercials say (that…
Read MoreBooyah! One quick little lesson…
Booyah. That’s what I say everytime my plane touches down at whatever airport I’m on to next. You can blame my high-energy friend, Dan Long, for getting that word stuck in my head. Today I’m flying from Tampa to Toronto and then next week it’s off to Denver, then back to Toronto, then down to…
Read MoreEating the Right Foods and Gaining Weight
if you’re still eating the so-called ‘right’ foods but you’re still gaining weight, it’s NOT your fault. You’ve been tricked by the Big Food companies. That’s right, the same companies that brought us low-fat, high-sugar eating in the 90’s that left us sick, tired, and overweight are now fooling us with 100-calorie snack packs. But…
Read More60-Second Sales Hook Secret
Grab them by the collar, take them by the scruff of the neck, command their attention, get them fascinated in your work, and hook them deep. That’s what you must do for readers of your emails. The same process that works for writing great novels and screenplays works for writing copy. Today, two resources to…
Read MoreNumber One Side Effect of a Gluten-Free Diet
Oh boy, I might be getting myself into trouble with this email. Chances are you’re either: a) Sick and tired of hearing about gluten-free diets b) Confused as heck about how to go on a gluten-free diet Well, I have great news for you today. We’re going to get to the bottom of the gluten-free…
Read MoreThis is why people fail
Here’s why so many people fail.They are scared. They listen to negative-know-nothings. They ignore their gut feelings. They hold back. Here’s an example. Just after Christmas a client in our ETR Virtual Mastermind group gave me this update, success story, and excuse all rolled into one… “Craig, I made my first sale yesterday whilst walking…
Read More3 foods NEVER to eat again
Great news. Today is a very important day, even more important than New Year’s Day. More about that in a second. But first, there’s even better news: Thanks to my friend Diana, and to people like you, we are winning the war. Yes, we’re beating the big food companies that fill our world with crap.…
Read MoreBetter Than Bedros (step-by-step business coaching)
I got so fired up with the message I shared at last weekend’s 1-Day Mastermind that I got into an argument with Bedros at the bar in New York. “Big B,” I said, “We need to do another 1-Day before our meeting in San Diego. Is there anything we can do?” “Sure thing, Ballantyne, he…
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