Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Free Traffic from Internet Marketer of the Year
We had such an amazing Mastermind in Miami that I’m still talking about it almost a month later. You know we had 7-figure copywriters Shaun Hadsall and Joel Marion teaching us secrets to improve our website conversions, but we also had a competition for “Internet Marketer of the Year”. Our winner was Rick Kaselj. Why?…
Read MoreMy Wild and Crazy Belief About Saturday Mornings
When I was twenty-five I often spent Saturday mornings lying in bed until ten or eleven o’clock. If my girlfriend had the day off, we would head out for brunch – making bad food choices that sadly left us taking a nap an hour later. On weekends when she was working, I would wander aimlessly around the city, feeling lost. Not physically, but mentally. By that point, although…
Read MoreNew York Times Admits that My Workouts Are Best
Can you believe this? They are FINALLY getting it. The mainstream media, like the NY Times, and the big fitness associations are catching up to my methods. Check this out… According to the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual fitness forecast, bodyweight exercise workouts were named the top trend for 2015. And the NY Times…
Read MoreWas I wrong? (2014 review)
Now for something that most celebrity astrologers never do, and that’s a look back at my predictions from last year to see where I was right and wrong… Review of my 2014 Info Predictions Let’s see how I did! Prediction #1 – Return of the 7-Figure Launch I was right and wrong…Right because someone did…
Read More2014 Toys for Tots Results and Celebration
I know it’s been a month since Christmas, but you have to see and hear about this. Although you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait till you hear about what we have planned for the 2015 Toys for Tots weekend in Denver. It will be the biggest gathering of A-Players in the online marketing scene…
Read MoreWhat My #1 Client Would Do Today
He made $350K in his ‘first week online’. Then he did the first 7-figure fitness e-book launch. Here’s how he did it. – Craig Everything You Need to Know About Joel By Joel I’ve been in the fitness industry for a little over a decade. I started in online marketing in late 2008 with a…
Read MoreHow to Invest Like Buffett
Most people don’t tap dance their way to work. But Warren Buffett does. And I suppose if I had a commute longer than from my bedroom to the kitchen table, I might too. That’s because both Buffett and I love our jobs. I recently started reading a book about Buffett called, Tap Dancing Your Way…
Read More10-Minute Caffeine Workout
Last Monday we filmed 40 new workout videos for you at an NBC TV studio in Denver. The quality of the production is simply amazing. Here I am getting WHOOPED in an 8-minute workout (by my trainer, Missi). The new workouts will be available just before Ballantyne’s Day => another reason it’s the world’s favorite…
Read More2015 Internet Marketing Predictions
I’s time once again for ol’ CB (The Godfather) to look into his CB (his crystal ball) to predict the future of the info industry. After another amazing year of growth for Internet Independence readers and for my own business, I’m very excited for what 2015 holds. There were many shocks and surprises in 2014…
Read MoreThe Greatest Play of Your Career
It was ranked by as one of the ten gutsiest performances of all time. I still remember that Saturday afternoon, watching the game up in my bedroom after rushing home from my job at the local greenhouse. It was 1993 and I was a seventeen-year old die-hard Dallas Cowboy fan. After having suffered through the…
Read MoreThe Salesman Responsible for the Kardashians and Tony Little Infomercials
One man launched the careers of the Kardashians, Tony Little, Billy Mays Hays, and so many more, all while selling over one billion dollars worth of goods…all because he invented a new way of selling. His name? Kevin Harrington. His job? To knock everyone’s socks off at our Info Summit. And he did. At 58…
Read MoreThe Best Advice of the Year
It was my golden age of television. When I was thirteen years old, I’d race home from my Sunday morning hockey game, rewind the tape in the VCR, lie on the family room floor out at the old farmhouse, and watch a recording of the latest episode of Saturday Night Live. Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey,…
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