Posts by James Altucher
How to Think Like Einstein
A producer at [well known television show] said to me, “whatever you do — don’t ever ever say ‘I don’t know.’ If you say that, we’ll never ask you back.” Then, thrust into a dark room, mic’ed up, camera pointing at me, the producer in my ear, “anndd…GO!” and six of us arguing about the worst, most…
Read MoreWhy I Am Never Going to Own a Home Again
Many people have said to me in the past month, “I’m going to buy a home.” Or, “What do you think of the idea of me buying a home?” I like the second batch of people. They are my friends and it seems like they are sincerely asking for my advice. And I’m going to…
Read MoreThe Secret to Prolific Art
Barbara Cartland broke the world record — in 1983, she wrote 23 novels. She was 82 years old. Two novels a month that year. Altogether she wrote 723 published novels. Her last at age 97. When she died a year later there were 160 unpublished novels still waiting to be published. Did people like her work?…
Read MoreThe One Way I Buy Stocks
Ok. I have a confession. Not quite a confession. More like an adjustment. I’ve written that people should not trade stocks. People should not daytrade. People should stay out of the markets. I believe this. But I also don’t believe it. Too many people say to me, “I have an idea for how to trade the…
Read MoreThe One Formula to Find Your Passion in Life
I was passionate when I was throwing hard pointed rocks at other little kids. “I hit him!” My friends and I would climb around construction sites, pretending they were forts. And throw rocks at each other until we were caught by parents. By adults. Einstein found his passion because he wondered what if a man…
Read MoreThe Rich Employee
One of my best friends from 8th grade invested $25,000 in Uber’s first round. That $25,000 is now worth $50,000,000. I can say, “I wish that were me!” but I don’t deserve it. He spent his 20s building his network in Silicon Valley so he would have this opportunity today. He was an employee at…
Read MoreMy Advice to Teenagers Who Want Money
She said “No!” to me and slammed the door. She was on my paper route. I asked out every girl on my paper route. All three of them. I liked having a captive audience. I would hand them the paper and say, “Want to go to a movie?” They all said “No.” Well, one girl…
Read More10 Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job This Year
James Altucher: This was going to end badly. My boss screamed at me in front of my colleagues. I had done something wrong of course. I had sent a product to the client without debugging it thoroughly. It was my fault. But I don’t like being yelled at. And fortunately I was sitting on…
Read MoreHow to be THE LUCKIEST GUY ON THE PLANET in 4 Easy Steps
James Altucher: I told my dad, “I’m a lucky guy.” He said, “But are you lucky in love?” I was six years old. Love was the most disgusting thing in the world to me. What the hell was he talking about? Love was living in another neighborhood at that time. Or another planet. It would…
Read More10 Reasons to Quit Your Job
This was going to end badly. My boss screamed at me in front of my colleagues. I had done something wrong, of course. I had sent a product to the client without debugging it thoroughly. It was my fault. But I don’t like being yelled at. Fortunately, I was sitting on a job offer that…
Read MoreWho is in Your Scene?
My wife Claudia asked me, “What took you the longest in your life to understand?” I don’t know if I understand anything in my life. I don’t say this with self-modesty. Every day I learn something where I say to myself, “why didn’t I learn that before?” But I know the answer to Claudia’s question:…
Read MoreHow to Make and Lose $10 Million
$70 million was a lot of money for me at the time. And I couldn’t sleep at night until I gave back every dollar to the people who gave it to me. I was running the sort of fund where people gave me money and then I invested it in other funds. The only problem…
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