What does Michael do when he’s studying a book?

When applied to reading books, the Power of One says that you should search the book for one good idea that you can put to work in your life immediately. Take that one good idea and turn it into a specific goal. Make that goal a yearly one, and then break it down into monthly, weekly, and daily tasks. (We explain exactly how to do that in ETR’s goal-setting programs.)

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Are You Resilient Enough?

With the economy failing, companies making cutbacks, and your financial future at stake, you might be feeling pretty grim. But don’t even think about throwing in the towel. There are lots of opportunities out there – opportunities to make loads of money and put more happiness and love back in your life.

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The Unexpected Side Effects of Making Money (and How to Avoid Them)

My life changed when I decided, one day, that “make a lot of money” would be my number one goal. Focusing on that goal and making it a priority changed my income… from about $50,000 a year to seven-plus figures. It changed my business status from that of a nameless employee to that of an employer of hundreds. It changed my lifestyle from one of making minimum payments on credit card statements to the kind happy movies provide for their heroes.

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Wanting Things

I don’t remember being thankful very often when I was a kid. I remember wanting things – lots of things – all the time.

I wanted toy trucks and cap guns and Lionel trains and baseball mitts. I wanted army men and model planes and erector sets. I wanted everything I saw advertised for boys on television. And everything other kids at school had, including boxed lunches and meat sandwiches instead of peanut butter and jelly in a paper bag.

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Do You Really Want to Make Money?

It may seem like the purpose of every marketing campaign is to make a profit. However, many marketers and business owners actually lose money on acquiring new customers.

There are three basic scenarios when launching a marketing campaign. You need to determine which scenario fits your business best.

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How to Get Past Your Distaste of Selling

“Understand that you need to sell you and your ideas in order to advance your career, gain more respect, and increase your success, influence, and income.” – Jay Abraham As we keep telling you, just about anyone can start a business. But there’s an important caveat – and it jumped to mind when I got…

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How to Double or Triple Your Brainpower Almost Immediately

In the past few months, I’ve rediscovered a powerful secret to making life better and easier. It’s something I’ve talked about in ETR before – because I’ve experienced it before.

But just recently, I proved to myself once again that this secret can help you double (at the very least) your brainpower. And you know what comes with having a more powerful brain…

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Changing Your Career Path

“I just turned 29 yesterday… and I feel so lost and confused. I quit my job 7 months ago, where I worked in insurance as a salesperson for 2 1/2 years. It was my 3rd resignation, since my boss retained me twice before. I guess I ‘could’ sell, but I hated it. Period. I was extremely unhappy and always felt I didn’t belong.

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