Posts by Mark Morgan Ford
Developing A Second Income
Dear Early to Rise Reader, As we move into what my bones tell me will be a major and long-term recession, prudent Early Risers are quickly moving towards developing second incomes. While you have to work hard and well to keep the job you have (by making yourself indispensable see ETR #439), you should…
Read MoreAre You A Good Leader?
Forget about what the best-selling books say. There is only one way to determine whether you are a good leader: Ask yourself, “Do I get good people to work hard for me?” If the answer is “yes,” you are a good leader. It doesn’t matter if the way you do so is by kind words,…
Read MoreThe Five Most Common Advertising Myths
It took me years and millions of dollars to disabuse myself from the following: 1. “The customer is interested in me, my product, or what I have to say.” * The customer doesn’t care about you. * The customer cares about himself. * If you talk about anything other than the customer’s own concerns, you’ll…
Read MoreTest Yourself: Are You A Procrastinator?
Choose the response that matches your behavior: A) “It’s easy for me to find reasons for not getting started on tough assignments.” 4 = Strongly Agree 3 = Mildly Agree 2 = Mildly Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree B) “I know what I’m supposed to be doing but often start doing something else.” 4 =…
Read MoreHow To Make $90,000 (Or More!) Working Seasonally
“There can be no high civilization where there is not ample leisure.” – Henry Ward Beecher (Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit, 1887) After 20 years of putting up with my amateurish Christmas lighting, KFF insisted on having our house done “properly” this time. She found a young man who would light up the palm trees just…
Read MoreHow To Apologize Without Guilt
You blew your stack and said something you shouldn’t have. Yes, yes, you were justified. She has made that same mistake a dozen times. But since she continues to behave the same way, your corrections are not having any effect. You realize the problem is one that requires shared responsibilities. Blah. Blah. Blah. So how…
Read MoreThe Effect Of Radio On Productivity
Waking early. Multitasking. Mixing work and pleasure. How much can you cram into a morning? That first half-hour especially, while you are getting up and making your bed, stretching, brushing, showering, and dressing? You’re doing some very routine and mindless rituals, so why not stimulate your mind? I have two preferences, both on the radio.…
Read MoreGetting Others To Push You All The Way To The Top
In any endeavor, there is a natural pyramidal structure to progress. You begin doing everything yourself. You have some success and hire two people to help you. Things continue to do well, and you hire four more. Every person “below” you does something you were doing at one time. If you are smart (and normal),…
Read MoreHow To Make Your Life 20% Richer
If your vision is imperfect, you wear corrective lenses to be able to appreciate the visual world. If your hearing is impaired, you wear devices to make your conversations more enjoyable. To savor life to its fullest, we need all our senses operating in top form. Here’s the problem: If you are an “ordinary” person,…
Read MoreA Small Skill That Will Bring You Great Rewards
Andrew Carnegie knew it. Dale Carnegie taught it. John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton perfected it. Geno Rice used it to become the most popular bartender at the Right Track Inn. What is it? The ability to remember names. It may seem cosmologically wrong that such a simple little habit could have such a profound…
Read MoreAlways Have Plan B Ready When You Launch Plan A
“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” – Jonathan Swift (Thoughts on Various Subjects, 1711) For much of my career, I was a pedal-to-the-metal product developer. I’d get an idea, talk it over with someone smart, and then, if it still seemed like a good idea, put it into action as soon as humanly…
Read MoreCreate Infinite Wealth!
Dear ETR Reader, In a past message, I told you about Dr. Van Tharp one of the foremost experts on investor psychology and a living legend among professional traders. He is renowned for helping investors overcome psychological barriers that limit their returns. Recently, Dr. Tharp developed a comprehensive program that goes beyond stock trading…
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