Protect Yourself From the Flu … and the Vaccine

Media chatter about the expected flu pandemic has been ramping up lately. Could it be because of “Big Pharma”? Pharmaceutical giants like Baxter and Novartis are preparing for mass inoculations against H1N1 (swine) flu by this fall. A while back, a batch of Baxter’s seasonal flu vaccine was “accidentally” contaminated with the human form of…

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The Food Labeling Scam

Are food manufacturers and government officials so callous that they are actually using children as guinea pigs when it comes to food labeling? Apparently so, according to the Chicago Tribune’s 2008 investigative report on hidden allergens in popular food products. Hidden food allergens are part of the reason that an estimated 30,000 Americans are rushed…

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ADHD: The Cure Is in Plain Sight

Well-meaning parents and teachers rely on psycho-stimulant drugs to deal with children who might otherwise be unmanageable. But perhaps the cause and the cure of ADHD can be found at the dinner table and in the school cafeteria.

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Just Say No to Sweet Poison

As bad as too much sugar is for you, its cousin is even worse. I’m speaking, of course, about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the sugary goo that’s been added to soft drinks, salad dressings, cakes, cookies, and cereals for over 30 years. The darling of food manufacturers everywhere, HFCS made its debut as the ideal solution for extending the shelf life and reducing the cost of producing commercially sweetened foods.

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Enough of the Grim Statistics

Breast cancer. The very words strike fear into women everywhere. And for good reason. In 2008, according to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 182,460 women were diagnosed with and 40,480 women died of the disease.

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