Be Inspired

What follows is a true story representing the power of the Mastermind, a BIG idea, and exceptional execution all rolled into one.
Be inspired.
Then go spend 10 minutes thinking about your BIG idea and who YOU need to connect with at our next ETR event – or 1-Day Mastermind!
That’s where these success story guys got together. ETR = Money Matchmakers! – Craig Ballantyne
(PS – Don’t miss the weirdness below in my final PS for today’s email.)
The Truth About Fat Burning Foods Launch Summary
By Shaun Hadsall
Back in December a young man wearing a “man purse” approached me in a bar full of fitness professionals and in his STRONG French-Canadian accent he said:
“Are you Shaun Hadsall?”
After nodding my head strangely he said, “I’m Nick Pineault and they call me the Nutrition Nerd.”
NOW the “man purse” made sense…lol. Then he said:
“I recently listened to your OSP interview with Craig Ballantyne on my way to work and it literally made me cry, man!”
The he giggled, pulled out a physical copy of his book and the rest is history.
Since then, my business partner Ryan Colby and I teamed up with Nick to publish our very first product, Nick’s Truth About Fat Burning Foods.
Here are the numbers from the first 14 days:
$216,111 gross revenue
8,168 total transactions
5,396 Initial sales
2,618 up-sells
As you can see, we did the numbers of a product launch without an actual product launch. These numbers are strictly from solo mailings. There was no on-sale promo, no fast action bonus, no bonus money to pay out, and zero scarcity.
To quote Joel Marion, “This thing is a conversion machine.”
Here’s a summary of exactly how we did it:
1: We found a publishing partner that was driven, motivated and focused.
If you look around the industry at successful publishing partnerships, you can clearly see these traits are a common denominator with people like Rick Kaselj, Mike Whitfied, Shawna Kaminski, etc.
Nick was no different. He busted his ass putting together an awesome product that’s going to help a TON of people.
He also got to events like the Fitness Business Summit, built relationships and networked with affiliates a few months before the product was released to help build up anticipation.
2: We found a product that had a “big idea” and filled a missing gap in the marketplace.
This one is obvious, so there’s not much to say here. But it needs to be mentioned. Without it you won’t make the moniezzzz.
If you want to see Nick’s “big idea”, just head over to
3. We made sure we had an offer that converts.
Once I looked over the outline Nick gave me to use so I could write the actual sales copy, I knew we had a winner. But if it doesn’t convert — you’re toast.
So I put my head down, went to work and wrote my best sales copy ever. I do have to give Nick a lot of the credit. Without his winning idea and outline I could never have crafted winning copy. I also want to thank Gary over at ETR, for helping me with the peer review process for the headlines and the leads.
All these things were critical to the successful conversions on this product.
4. We leveraged our relationships with the big affiliates.
One thing I’ve worked my ass off doing over the last few years is making friends and building deep relationships with big affiliates. I always put my best foot forward, add value, and support them anyway I can. This helped give me the leverage I needed when this product was ready.
I also know that everybody’s always looking for new, high converting offers. So once I got Craig’s support and tested internally, I had all the data I needed to get bigger guys like Geary, Joel, and Poulos all lined up.
And once these guys promote, we all know it’s the “green light” for everybody else to jump on board. And that’s exactly what’s happening as I write this.
A special “thanks” to Craig for all his help on this project. He got the ball rolling and was a huge catalyst for this product’s success.
When he did a piece on the Publishing Model a few months ago for OSP, it got me intrigued. But I never dreamed we’d have this kind of success.
I’m confident if you take the steps I listed above, you can have your very own successful publishing partnership.
Keep going strong,
Shaun Hadsall
ETR gives you the jet fuel for your Rocket Ship shot to success. BOOM,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Did you hear about the “weird” event that ETR is having in November?
We don’t really expect you to be there.
Here’s why:
Your bizarre invitation to a weird event with Craig and Matt Smith
See you there?