Best Chest Workout to Build Muscle

I’ve been going back and forth with Michael Easter at Men’s Health magazine for a few weeks now about the perfect dumbbell chest building routine.
And it’s your lucky day…we’re going to skip the wait for the magazine version (because I don’t think it comes out until June)…instead, you get all of the details today, PLUS what couldn’t fit in the magazine.
This answer is pretty good, especially for a $7 magazine…but to be honest, you get more value in my new $7 Transformation Package here (on sale this week only).
It all started with this MH reader question:
“What exercise can I do to build a bigger chest?” – Steve, Gallup, NM
Answer: Hey Steve, there’s no one magic exercise that’ll give you the perfect pecs on its own. The secret is to use a few key exercises and a select number of proven, unique strategies to maximize results.
Now I’ve been studying pec training since I was a young 16-year old in the small hockey town of Stratford, Ontario. (Yep, the same city that also produced it’s second most famous son, Justin Bieber – okay, he might be slightly more famous than ol’ CB…but he’s not as awesome as Bally the Dog.)
2) A moderately heavy, moderate volume dumbbell press
3) A modified dumbbell chest fly with high volume
Why that ‘dumbbell trinity’ of chest exercises?
Because it attacks the muscle at all angles, and with the advanced techniques you’re about to get, it will stimulate the maximum amount of muscle fibers for growth (if you want muscle gain) and metabolism (if you want fat loss and muscle maintenance).
With that formula, we can build DOZENS of chest workouts to use year round with continous results.
How do we do that?
By using these techniques:
– Slow eccentrics (lowering phase)
– Squeeze techniques at the top of the movement (90% or 3/4 reps)
– 1 & 1/2 reps, Triple stop reps
– Neutral, pronated, and even supinated grips
– Different bench angles
– Modified exercises that maximize leverage, like the DB fly-press
– Drop sets
– And so much moreIn addition, we need to add upper back exercises in order to build the opposing shoulder, lat, and upper back muscles that help keep your shoulder joint safe when doing presses.
In our weekly TT programs, we aim to have two ‘pulling’ exercises for each ‘press’. (Pulling movements include
deadlifts as well, that will be on other days.)
For example, let’s start with something simple, yet profound:
1A) DB Semi-Pronated Flat Chest Press with 3s eccentric – 3×6
1B) DB Row – 3×8
2A) DB Incline Press 90% with 1second pause – 4×8-12
2B) DB Chest Supported Row – 4×15
3A) DB Flat Chest Fly-Press (do the lowering phase of a fly
and then press the db’s back up) – 3×12-15
3B) DB Rear Deltoid Raise – 3×12
NOTE: That is a muscle growth program. For less muscle, stick to 1-2 sets per exercise.
DOUBLE NOTE: Warm-up should include WYLIT, Band Pulls, and Stick-ups. More about that tomorrow.
TRIPLE NOTE: You can use the above workout in place of Workout B from TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks…and
that full program is available at the link below.
Alright, not bad for a $7 magazine…but to be honest, you get more value in my new $7 Transformation Package here
You’ll get EIGHT weeks of workouts (plus a special surprise bonus on the download page) for less than $1 per week of fat burning workouts – all PROVEN to work for some of our best TT Transformation Contest Winners.
But hurry, that special $7 offer is only available until Thursday night, then the price quadricepsduples (or
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – This was one of my favorite emails to send you…
…so let me know if you want more of these.
And if you want more workout specials like this Transformation deal
Time to pump up those pecs.