Big Opportunity For You
Dang, it’s everywhere!
- Gangster Rapper turns love of audio into $3.2 billion business.
- College nerd turns social creeping into world’s biggest social network.
- Woman invents super-pantyhose and creates billion dollar biz.
There is so much opportunity out there…it’s everywhere!
And listen, there is an incredible amount of opportunity out there for you to market your product, to create new sales angles, and to get new customers. You don’t have to be Dr. Dre, Mark Zuckerberg, or Sara Blakely. They were once unknowns, just like you and I.
And there opportunity was unknown too…but they found it.
I see it all the time. And I’m constantly telling my business partners about it.
What follows below are fitness-specific examples that I sent to my Publishing Partners. And even though you might not be in the fitness industry, this is a great insight into an Opportunity-Seeking Mindset.
Do NOT disqualify the fact that opportunity abounds for you just because the examples below are fitness specific. Opportunity is everywhere.
In any great niche I could easily think of a dozen ideas if I spent 2-3 hours reading magazines from that marketplace.
Be creative, open minded, optimistic, positive, and a value-adding expert and you’ll find that opportunity abounds. Here are just a few opportunities in the fitness world that I shared with my Publishing Partners.
(NOTE: Just because these are fitness examples doesn’t mean you can say this info is useless to you…remember: Opportunity is Everywhere! Keep an eye on the trends in your industry, and pay attention to the commonly asked questions about your niche expertise.)
When I see the same question over and over again, I take notice – and you should too…
a) 15 minute workouts
If you haven’t studied Shaun T’s new 25-minute program, please do. It’s nothing fancy, but you can beat his 25 minutes with a 15 minute system.
b) The Low-Impact Sanity Workout
The pendulum is ready to swing back. Too many people are injured from Insanity. To stand out, go in the opposite direction. Products should include exercise substitutions for knee-pain, and perhaps even bonus workouts. You can also write promo emails or create content-rich videos on the topic.
c) Female Specific Workouts & Solutions
The majority of my HWR users are female. They believe that females have female-specific fat loss problems, such as menopause, thigh fat, etc. There is big opportunity here for the right solution.
d) Functional Finishers & Challenges
This is a great combination of two common fitness words, and therefore, a great idea for a bonus workout or article.
e) Articles from Articles
Dani & Catherine – you should be able to create 11 articles from the following:
f) What’s ONE HUGE problem that people have…
…and that you can solve? This is the key to making big breakthroughs…think about the customer first, not you. Deliver solutions to their #1 problem.
g) Affiliate Connections: The Opportunity is in Go-Giver Generosity
I’ve recently been swinging several big affiliate deals. These all come from face-to-face interaction. We all need to step up the affiliate assistance. We need to help more people because it will all come back to YOU.
Find untapped value in your knowledge base that you can share with others. I do this in my personal audios (time management, how-to-write-a-book, etc.) that I send to top affiliates.
You know something valuable that other people don’t. So be generous and SHARE. Grow them and they will grow you.
That is why you MUST be contacting and helping affiliates every week and every day. Give-GIVE-GIVE!!!
Massive Generosity is our goal because you can’t out-give the Universe.
When you give, you’ll GET opportunity. It’s everywhere!
Looking forward to your success,
Craig Ballantyne
Play up a level. Surround yourself with people that have admirable qualities and skills that you want to emulate.