Booty Workout for the Ladies
Today, while watching the Christmas parade here in the Beaches neighborhood of Toronto, ol’ Bally the Dog and I observed a parade of the female physique as well. (We take our work very, very seriously.)
As we stood by the running shoe store, many female – and ugh, male – runners appeared to be suffering from a chronic case of “flat butt syndrome“.
Not enough women – or men – are using resistance training to build a better butt.
In fact, a research study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health found that only 18% of women are using resistance training to transform their bodies.
C’mon Ladies! That’s way too low.
No amount of jogging will get you a booty or body like the ones you see on the sexy women (of ALL ages) in the weight room.
Why just yesterday morning, while I was doing my deadlifting workout, there were three women in the weights area with me. They ranged in age from 25 to 55, and they all looked better than the girls on the elliptical machines.
So let’s CURE flat butt syndrome for our cardio friends. And YES, this works for MEN as well.
Here’s a sample workout from my TT Booty Boosting program:
Workout A
1A) DB Bulgarian Split Squat (3×8) 2-1-1
1B) 1-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl (3×8) 2-1-2
2A) Reverse Lunge (3×8) 2-0-1
2B) Plank with Arms on Ball (3×20 seconds)
3A) Reaching Lunge (3×10) 2-0-1
3B) Side Plank (3×30 seconds)
Listen, why bother trying to cure your flat butt with jogging when there is a PROVEN DONE-for-YOU solution right here at your fingertips?
And it’s only $7 this week.
Get the TT Booty Boosting workout package for just $7 here
Plenty of time to get a new booty for Christmas,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer