Business Regrets
Are you one of those people with no regrets?
I’m not.
I regret thousands of things that I’ve done.
But there’s one thing I regret more than anything else.
And so today, I’ll reveal that to you, along with a bunch of other reader questions that relate to regrets, mistakes, and not knowing what to do.
Q: I’m having a really hard time coming up with a big hook for my info product. Any help? – Travis
I recommend surveying your list and asking them for their #1 problem…what’s stopping them from hitting their goals and what do they need to get there. Then take that info and write out 30 big ideas/headlines for your product that solve the most common issues.
Think big. Be creative. Don’t stop yourself from writing down crazy ideas. No regrets. Go all out with this exercise.
Q: What would you say is a good resource for looking to get out of the rat race of a 9-5 job? – Eva
Great question, and a lot of people regret not doing what you are doing. So you need to know what you want to do outside of it! Be patient.
Do your research.
Don’t jump into anything – and don’t leave your job until you are making twice the money with your online business as you do at work.
Start making progress on this transition by getting up 30 minutes earlier each day or staying up 30 minutes later at night and working on your new opportunity.
Q: I have a big idea for a product, but I struggle with the actual content creation. – Tom
Great to hear from you. Start with an outline. Write down the main topic for 5 chapters. Then write down 5 subsections per chapter. Next, write down 3 questions per subsection. Answer those questions.
Done. Start with that.
Q: Hey Craig, really enjoying the ETR! I love spending money, but in order for me to achieve my wealth goals, this will have to stop. What is the book called and who is the author about “living on less”? – Teresa
This is something you must change or you’ll have a life of regret. Get, “The Power of Less”, by Leo Babauta
Q: Hi Craig – What’s your biggest regret? – Phil
Phil – Not hiring a business coach or mentor earlier. I’m frugal (i.e. cheap!), and in some cases I get burned. I could be so much further ahead had I gotten a mentor sooner.
Q: What is your technique to keep you focus? You know how we have a million tabs open on our browsers, plus 3 more software opened on our laptop, what do you do to keep the focus? – Teresa
Focus-focus-focus. Or you will have lots of regrets.
Work offline. Don’t open a million tabs. Prioritize. Build up discipline by making all of this easier with rewards, social support, and accountability.
Q: What do you build your sites on (such as ETR and TT). Are they static sites or built of something like WordPress. I’m trying to figure out which way to go.
Would like to know best resources for shopping carts (e.g. how you sell your TT products), receiving payments and basic structure. Also, what system do u use to collect emails data/client details? – Ricky
I have no idea about the sites. Other people do that. I also don’t know how a car works, but I can drive. That’s all that matters. For emails, we use aweber and infusionsoft.
Q: Good morning! I am currently trying to gain more discipline with my time and the many outpourings of it. However, I have a 20 month old and an 8 month old, so life is very unscheduled due to lack of consistency (the nature of babies- at least my youngest!)
I am trying to find a way to fit in my goals of exercise and personal reading/ projects but am at a point where I am lucky if I get all the meals made, errands run, and housework completed for the week.
I try to tell myself this is only a time but I am a very structured person by nature and am struggling mentally when I cannot maintain consistency. Any suggestions? – Kellyn
Start by scripting your day and controlling everything you can…obviously you can’t control everything, but you need to be ruthless with what you can.
Q: How do you keep yourself from burning out?
Proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and time away from work. It’s amazing that diet and exercise is now becoming a “performance secret” of business people.
Q: I am motivated until I get to the phone to make a business call. I turn chicken. I am a visual person so seeing the person I am speaking to is easier than phone calls. help! I have to make calls today and usually put it off until it is too late to call. I seem more motivated right before bed. What can I do? – Michelle
Create a script that you can read from. Use it until you gain confidence. Just make sure to practice it so that you don’t sound like you are reading.
Q: Hi, you built up your business online by getting up early and actually doing it, not talking about it all, did you ever think about quitting your goals and what was your main motivation to keep going? – Andrew
My vision, and knowing that billions of other people haven’t been as lucky as I have in life, so I need to make the most of my chances. I also get a lot of inspiration from history books on WWII. There but for the grace of God go you and i…
If I did not do this work, I would regret my entire life.
Helping people change is what I’m here for.
I don’t need motivation, fortunately. I’m driven to do this just like a bird has to fly and a fish has to swim.
The great thing is that so many people, like you, love to read my emails and ask me questions and let me coach them.
You rock, thank you.
No regrets,
Craig Ballantyne
‘The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.’ – Captain Jack Sparrow