New Cardio and Abs Workouts
You already know the #1 worst workout NOT to do today…
…that (dis)-honor goes to “cardio & abs”, which is what so many people fall back on late in the week after they’ve done chest, arms, and maybe a back workout. Forget about that old style of 1990’s training. Doesn’t work. Not only is long cardio followed by endless crunches BORING, but it’s also ineffective for fat loss.
Here’s the solution: ANTI-boring workouts that are short, fast, fun, and effective – AND that can be done with practically NO-equipment, anytime, anywhere.
Choose your workout today from one of the Top 10 workouts from the new “Lean in 17” program from Certified Turbulence Trainer, Bri “The High-Energy Guy” Kalakay. (Brian co-stars in the Home Workout Revolution videos and is one of our most successful and popular Certified Turbulence Trainers.)
The Top 10 Workouts You MUST Do from
10. “Totally Ripped”
Mountain Spiders, Reaches, and Bears, oh my! Okay I am totally kidding about the bears but not the other two. This workout will literally leave your entire body feeling 127% ripped and energized. Can you say, “get a brand new beach body” workout? Because you’ll have one thanks to this workout!
9. Dear Fat, YOU’RE FIRED!
The huge variety of movements in this one will tell your fat that it is fired. This perfect mix of exercises will jack up your heart rate and burn fat, giving you more cardio and abs than an old-school “cardio & abs” boring workout ever could.
8. The Upper Body Metabolic Attack
This Metabolic Attack starts off with the crazy new “single/single/double pushups” and wages war from there. The only way to burn fat is to attack it like a full-scale battle. Plus, EVERYONE loves upper body exercises.
7. Smells Like Success
If you’re wondering what that smell is after this workout…It’s success! Every lunge variation under the sun is in this one, which means a tighter butt and nicer legs. But what about abs? Well, we have you covered in…
6. The Core Crusher
This is what “cardio & abs” looks like in 2013. Gone are the boring machines and dangerous abs exercises like sit-ups. Instead, you’ll do a metabolic workout with a core crushing twist. This “no crunch” abs workout will develop every muscle in your core and give you a flat, sexy stomach.
Get more results in less time with these NEW cardio & ab workouts
5. I Love Burpees
Do you love Burpees? Of course you do! Well here are 4 new burpee variations that will break any plateau and keep your body burning belly fat at double the rate of slow, boring cardio. Plus, this intense workout – and every workout on this list – will give your body a post-workout metabolic afterburn boost, burning hundreds of calories while you rest between workouts.
4. Cinder Block Syndrome
Have you ever got about half way through a workout and your legs are starting to feel a little heavy? Maybe they feel as heavy as cement Cinder Blocks? Well, this workout will have that same effect. But that is GOOD news…because the end result will boost your metabolism and burn fat faster than any long, slow cardio workout ever would.
3. Ripped Abs Assault
I dare you to compare this to traditional “cardio & abs”. The Ripped Abs Assault will blow away any of those old-school workouts and will make your abs feel like they just ran ten 200-meter sprints! Plus, the Ripped Abs Assault will break the boredom of “classic ab exercises” and replace it with cutting edge moves that will develop your core 3 times faster than ever before.
2. Metabolic Lean Legs
If you want leaner, sexier legs, then you’ll get them with this workout. This is the perfect routine for your lower body because it pairs unique compound leg exercises with total body moves. The end result will be accelerated results, faster muscle definition, and beautiful legs. You’ve never seen some of these moves before!
1. Who Needs Treadmills?
This short but effective workout will totally redefine that way you think about traditional cardio. By the end of this you will be asking yourself, “who needs treadmills” for cardio…not you!
Yikes, tough choice on which one to choose for today.
I say go for the Upper Body Metabolic Attack. Let me know how it goes.
You can grab all of those workouts – and do them on follow-along videos – with Certified Turbulence Trainer, Brian Kalakay, right here:
Grab the videos and program today so that you can get started with all of these fun, unique workouts.
Bring the energy and burn the fat!
Brian’s practically giving away his entire program for less than the price of your average gym membership. And you’ll no longer need to use icky cardio machines that thousands of other strangers have touched with their sweaty, greasy palms.
He’ll coach you through EVERY workout on video, showing you how to be done with traditional cardio & abs programs done at expensive gyms, and you’ll get amazing results at home – and have a lot more energy, too (just from watching his videos!).
Enjoy the program. I’m proud to have Brian as one of my Elite Certified Turbulence Trainers. He’s going to help Turbulence Training change the world.
Get lean in less time and with more fun than boring cardio,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – If you’re interested in becoming a Certified Turbulence Trainer…
…like Brian Kalakay, Mikey Whitfield, Kate Vidulich, Catherine Gordon, Chris Lopez, Shawna Kaminski, and dozens of others, please go here to learn more:
You’ll discover my 10 Million Transformation Mission and how we are going to completely Change the Fitness World in the next few years.