Create a Correct To Do List in 5 Minutes

It’s 5 p.m., your day was busy, hectic, stressful, and overwhelming, yet, you feel you got nothing on your To Do List done.
We’ve all had those days. In fact, for many people, this state can characterize entire careers.
These are reactive days. And reactive = struggling.
Before doing anything on your todo list today, whether it’s a drafting a huge proposal for work or something as menial as making coffee, watch this 5-minute video to avoid making today a reactive one.
In the video, Craig Ballantyne outlines the steps to crafting a fool-proof To Do List, and planning your day CORRECTLY.
Yes, there is an art to planning your day.
Comment on the video this evening after implementing the tips and tell us whether you felt overwhelmed or accomplished come 5 p.m.