Dangerous Holiday Drink From Starbucks

“You better watch out, You better not let Starbucks make you cry, You better not pout, because ol’ CB is telling you why…avoid this … one drink … today!”
Hey, you wouldn’t eat 13 candy canes, so why would you drink something that contains the same amount of sugar?
Here’s an important Christmas Treat Warning for you.
Starbucks is being naughty again this holiday season and is trying to fill your stomach with too many calories and 54 grams of sugar in a new drink.
A Grande (16oz) version of the peppermint mocha coffee (made with 2% milk) contains 410 calories, 15 grams of fat and 63 grams of carbohydrates. Yikes. That’s almost 3 times as many calories as one of their chewy chocolate chunk flour-less cookies. If you want a treat, go with a mint tea and one of the cookies, or better yet, a mint tea and a BioTrust protein bar.
If you must have one of these high-calorie coffees, have it after your workout when your muscles will suck up the sugar, but again, you’re much better off using one of my fat-burning high-protein shakes.
You can also limit the damage by not adding any ‘pumps of added syrup’. Each one contains 20 calories of sugar (5 grams = nearly one teaspoon).
Another way is to eliminate the whipped cream (that cuts 80 calories and 7 grams of fat). Next, go with an 8oz version rather than the 16 oz version.
Using those tricks, you’ve now turned that 410 calorie coffee into a short (8oz) peppermint mocha coffee with just 160 calories and “only” 26 grams of sugar. That’s still too much sugar, but if you drink just one per week as a treat, that’s fine. Personally, I’d rather have the cookie.
Now if you want to lose fat over the holidays, find out how to use strategic cheat meals to lose fat in this article from my good friend, Shaun Hadsall. He was at our Toys for Tots event in Denver on the weekend, and he’s a BIG reason why we were able to buy over $110,000 worth of toys for needy kids.
The event was amazing, as are Shaun’s 5 fat burning secrets that he reveals at this link, showing you how to have your fastest fat loss ever (while still enjoying holiday treats).
Drop a POUND of pure fat (not water) in ONE day (here’s how)
There are 5 KEY principles you must have in place in order to achieve the FASTEST fat loss possible. In fact, when you apply these 5 keys you can lose up to one pound of pure fat in only ONE day.
It’s all laid out for you step-by-step inside this brand new article from the Extreme Fat Loss Experts, my great friends, Shaun Hadsall and Dan Long:
==> 5 “keys” to lose ONE pound of pure fat (not water) in ONE day
Don’t forget: When you diet, weight loss and fat loss are two TOTALLY different things. Want to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time?
You certainly can, and here are the inevitable results:
1. A lot of water loss
2. Substantial muscle loss
3. A tad bit of fat loss
And oh yeah, a metabolism so beaten and battered that the moment you decide to return to any sort of normal eating regimen all your fast “weight loss” (and then some) piles back on even faster.
But now all this can be avoided.
Just follow these 5 PROVEN principles inside this article:
==> 5 “keys” to lose ONE pound of pure fat (not water) in ONE day
Watch out and do the right things,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Use this to Stay Strong!
Make your decision. Hold your ground. And stay strong! One of the most difficult things about success is social situations. Peer pressure (from both the ignorant and immature) is the toughest test of your commitment.
If you want to succeed, you have to lay the ground rules. There is no room for debate. You are either in or you are out. And you might just surprise some folks when you show them that life can go on if you don’t make bad decisions with them.
Be loud and proud of what you are doing. There are more folks secretly wishing someone will take charge and be a role model for them. It might not happen overnight, but if you continue to lead by healthy example – without preaching or being condescending – you can build an entourage of social support and people who want to be healthy like you. This will build powerful relationships that will take you to the next level.
Stay strong and push on!