Diet Tips for Fat Loss
Time for some diet tips for fat loss, and these killer ideas come mostly from the TTMembers forum. Very cool group of people on that site.
One day, I read an article about binge eating, and knowing that portion control is a HUGE component of fat loss success, I went straight to the forum with this question…
“How do you control your portion sizes so that you don’t overeat?”
Now I knew one tip…and it was that “Smaller plates are proven to help control portion sizes”. Whether you are at home or at a restaurant, simply use smaller plates and bowls. That was easy.

Since I’ve started TT and eating more meals per day, I’ve never had ‘seconds.’ I think this was one of my problems that lead to my weight gain. I’d almost always have seconds, especially for dinner, and feel bloated after eating.

5. Don’t serve food from serving bowls on the table.
Also from GMax, “Bowls on the table encourage seconds. Fix your plate in the kitchen, and when its gone, its gone.”
6. Pack Your Lunch When You Are NOT Hungry
GMax says, “As for eating during the day, I pack my lunch early in the am, before my hunger kicks in. For those who workout early, make your meals & snacks the night before, right after you eat dinner. When you’re full, you make smaller portions for yourself.”
Very good tip!
7. Measure your foods.
I’m not a big fan of measuring foods, since it’s a little too “controlling” for me, but it works great for a few TTMembers who said, “I try to keep any starchy food to no more then my fist size.”
“I measure certain foods. For instance breakfast is measured out with a measuring cup, I count out my almonds, I occasionally weight foods to better understand portion sizes.”
“And I find logging my food intake on FitDay also makes me more aware of how much of what I am eating.”
Great tip…I’m a big fan of having folks record their food for a while until they get a good idea of how many calories are in certain foods.That’s a huge key to success in a fat loss transformation.
Let me know your diet tips for fat loss success (in comments below) and how you control portion sizes and eliminate binge eating.The simpler the tip, the better!
Diet remains the key to fat loss,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS