Discover How Certified Turbulence Trainer Nestor Flores Turned His Passion Into A Profitable Bootcamp In Just Months

Daniel: Hello Turbulence Training Nation. It’s Daniel Woodrum, director of CTT coming to you today with one of my dear friends, Nestor Flores, better known as Yestor. I’m sure we’ll get in that a little bit later in the call. If Nestor’s name sounds familiar to you, it might be because he won the 2014 TT Rookie of the Year. Now that Nestor has exploded on the Turbulence Training scene and he’s making a huge name for himself in helping hundreds of people lose weight in his area. So Nestor, welcome to the call, buddy.
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Nestor: Thank you. Thank you for having me. I was a little shocked and a little surprised when you asked to interview me but it’s a great pleasure definitely.
Daniel: Well, you have a great story to tell and I look forward to everybody learning a little bit more about you. Let’s get right into the call, buddy. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself so the audience gets to know you better?
Nestor: There’s that one question, “Tell them about yourself?” and you always wonder like what am I supposed to say? But I’m just this kid who was born in Mexico, raised here. I went to college for Kinesiology and it was one of those things when I graduated from college that I didn’t quite know what I was going to do. I didn’t really quite have a plan. Funny thing is after college I got into personal training for about a month and a half at a local Balley’s here in town and I hated it. I absolutely hated and then I left that job saying that I would never do personal training again because I had no idea how people made money.
After that I kind of went to the first full-time job that I can find and I ended up spending four years at a bank actually. I started off as a teller and worked my way up to supervisor. I was there for four years. It was one of those things that my plan was to be there for about a year to just kind of help pay my student loans but I got a little comfortable. I got a little comfortable with the banker hours and the banker money. After four years, I kind of ballooned up to over 200 pounds. I started kind of settling for that lifestyle when it just kind of hit me once I hit 25 that I needed to do something different. From there, it was kind of where it all started for me.
I got into committing challenge because I loved working out, I loved being active but somewhere along the line I kind of forgot about that. That’s where my journey to kind of get back into fitness started. It was back in 2012 I think. So I started from there and kind of got into pretty much the first gym job that I could find. It was at a small gym here in town as a sales person. Funny thing is that they wanted to hire me for a personal trainer so when I was kind of making that jump, I had to make the decision to leave my steady banker job for a position that I said I would never do again. But something told me I had to make that so when I decided to take the job at the gym, it was actually for personal training and I kind of said I was going to try it again. But when I started there, they actually decided they could use me as a sales. I jumped on that because it was a steady 40-hour position again. Then from there, kind of just worked my way up to managing the gym.
Early last year, it was kind of another what am I doing with my life type of moment and that’s when I kind of decided I wanted to do personal training again. This time I was a lot more ready. I was a lot more confident and I knew deep down inside that that’s really, really what I wanted to do. So that’s where this whole journey began as of January last year when I decided to again jump ship from my steady salary job to personal training and then here we are now, here in the half later almost.
Daniel: That’s awesome. I think it’s amazing how life kind of comes around full circle. Even though you had a steady bank job, your passion is ultimately what drove you back to the fitness arena and now you’re having huge success. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Before we dive in about how you’re dominating Fresno, I want you to share a story with our audience. As everyone knows the TT Summit is held each year in San Diego and it’s actually going to be held this year again June 5th and 6th in San Diego. Now last year, Nestor, you almost didn’t make it to the event but as your nickname “Yestor” applies you made it happen. So I would like you to share with us briefly all the obstacles you had to overcome last year just to attend the actual events.
Nestor: Man, that was quite an experience there. That was in June. I got into training full-time in February but training one-on-one that doesn’t mean that I was making money. I was still kind of learning the ropes. I was learning how to be a personal trainer. I was barely starting to get a little momentum come around June but I was nowhere near being able to kind of even afford a trip like that. So close to the event, I was pretty convinced that I wasn’t going to go. I just couldn’t afford it.
Then one night I was actually, I was e-mailing Lisa that I wasn’t going to attend the event. I kid you not. I was getting ready to press Send on the e-mail and my roommate walks in with the mail for today. He hands me this little card and it was the first one I ever received in the mail from Craig. It was a thank-you card. Pretty much the thank-you card just said—obviously, I still have it; it’s somewhere around here–something like obviously he was proud of what I’ve done and I had to be at the event and he was looking forward to seeing me there.
So obviously when I read that, for me to get that directly from him in the mail, it meant a lot to me so I deleted that e-mail. I bought a bus ticket with the little money I had. I bought a bus ticket and then from there kind of just started planning my trip. I knew I couldn’t afford a hotel, especially at the Hilton so I decided to get the bus ticket overnight so I didn’t have to pay for an extra night at a hotel. I figured that I’d take a nap at least on the bus. So I left early here at Fresno at I think it was about 10:30 and I ended up getting to San Diego at about 7:30 in the morning. I didn’t plan my trip outright. I didn’t know where the bus station was at or where the hotel was at exactly. Little did I know that the bus was going to drop me off way downtown in San Diego and the event was held about 10 miles away.
So I got on the trolley and then from the trolley I took a bus. The bus took me to the closest bus stop to the actual location. But that was still about 3 to 3 ½ miles past the Hilton. I can’t afford a taxi so I strapped my backpack on and I got to running, man. I got to running. There I was running down the street in San Diego. I didn’t know the area so I actually had my GPS on my phone while I was running so it could tag me towards the event. I got up to the event sweaty and I got there just in time to take a bird bath right there inside one of the restrooms but I made it. I made it.
It was a great event obviously. At that moment, it was the best weekend so far but I did have to kind of go through all that. I also couldn’t afford to stay at the Hilton so I ended up staying at a Motel 6 about two and a half miles away from where the event was at. At the end of each night, I walked from the Hilton to Motel 6 and then in the morning I walked from Motel 6 to the event. What was that? A couple of times so one trip there, two trips back I think with my backpack on. But like I said, it was a great experience and definitely, definitely worth it when Craig announced me as Trainer Rookie of the Year.
At that moment, I didn’t realize how crazy it was to kind of go through all that. In my mind, it was just kind of this is what I have to do to be here. I didn’t really think of it as a sacrifice. I didn’t think of it as a struggle or anything. In my mind, it was just kind of if that’s what I have to do to be there then that’s what I have to do. Fortunately this year, I can afford a little bit better transportation and accommodations so luckily I don’t have to go through that this year.
Daniel: I think that’s an incredible story and at least you got your exercise, right? It just goes to show you that if you take action, there are really no excuses. You had every reason in the book not to attend and you just made it happen. I really believe that was the turning point in your life as far as your career is concerned. It’s paying dividends right now so I think that was the best decision you could’ve made.
Nestor: Absolutely. Absolutely, I agree. Just that event alone, just the networking and the experience of it itself and the confidence it gave me for me to be named Trainer Rookie of the Year, all of that just kind of made a huge impact. Then just going through that whole experience itself, too, was kind of like obviously I definitely never want to go through this again so I’m going to work my butt off so I don’t have to go through this again. But yeah, definitely. It’s kind of just that mindset shift. If this is what I have to do to get better, to improve then this is what I’ll do. No big deal.
Daniel: Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, so let’s talk a little about your boot camp. You’re in a little bit of a unique situation. You’re obviously bringing out a tiny 250-square foot facility right now which it still blows my mind. I don’t know how you do it but you do it. I don’t know how you do it but clearly you’re doing something right. So I want you to tell our audience a little bit about your classes and how they’re set up and what kind of obstacles you’re having to work with such a small space.
Nestor: First off, I mean this 250-square foot place, when I decided to get out of the gym that I was in, I heard about these just from a member there at the gym. I know it’s funny because again I was barely picking up steam right there at the gym and I remember once I posted on the TT forum kind of an update, how we do updates on there and my update was I got up to 20 clients and I was proud of it. I’m working pretty much from 5:00 AM to 8:00 PM and I’ve got a steady stream of clients coming in. I was pretty proud about myself in the sense like for me that post was kind of almost not bragging but kind of like a proud post.
I remember the only thing Craig told me on there—and I’m going to have to go back and look for that post—the only thing he told me when I thought it was a good that I have that many clients in one day, he told me, “You have to get out of there ASAP.” That’s all he told me. It was like one sentence and I was all what?! I thought he was going to tell me like good job or something like and he told me you have to get out of there ASAP. I was like, whoa, if Craig is telling me I have to get of there then I have to get out of there because obviously Craig was just giving me advice. I really took everything to heart. I take everything to heart that everyone tells me because I still am a newbie but that’s all he said.
So from that day, it was funny because up until then I hadn’t thought about that. I think it was the next day or two days after that, I’d been thinking about it. I’d been thinking about it and a member just walks up to me just randomly. He was in one of his sets. He was lifting weights and in the middle of the set he just walks up to me and he tells, “Oh man, I have a friend who’s a trainer and he’s looking for a trainer to rent a space out to.” I was oh, that’s crazy because I was just thinking about that. Then because he’s a photographer, he’s all, “I just rented a studio and it’s a small thing, 260 square feet but it’s $350 bucks a month and that’s all I need.” I was like oh, that sounds pretty good, too, actually.
So I actually looked into both options. First, I went to go see his friend and that kind of didn’t really work out so I kind of decided to jump ship and then start my own thing here. So the 260 square feet, I wish I could’ve afforded something bigger at that point but that’s all I had to work with so I went for it. Again, without experience as to what to do and without any money, all I knew was that with the Turbulence Training certification, I could do some bodyweight workouts. So for the first couple of months, it was just bodyweight workouts in here. So I felt with bodyweight, no equipment and nothing cluttering the space, I could fit a good three to four people in here. Little did I know that it wouldn’t be very easy getting clients in here.
As far as how it works now, I train up to three people in here now. Obviously, I have some equipment and fortunately I’ve been able to afford more stuff in here now. It actually looks like a little studio now but three people at a time and I started off doing sessions every hour on the hour. It would be anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes but I just recently and actually just yesterday I switched over to a new schedule because the older schedule was kind of limiting me as far as how many people I can really have in here. With that old schedule, I figured 50 people was the max that I could work with in here and I got to that number already. I’ve been at that number for at least the last month. I figured that I’ve been kind of limiting myself as far as my schedule so I just switched it to half sessions every 45 minutes and now they’re just a solid 30 minutes, no going in to 40-minute sessions anymore. So 30-minute sessions every 45 minutes and that actually opened up an extra five sessions for me.
My goal is to actually pack this little 260-square foot location, obviously not all at once, but I want to be kind of training up to 70 people out of here. It sounds crazy just saying it. I mean it sounds crazy to say 50 clients out of 260 square feet but my goal is to get an extra 15 to 20 people in here within the next four weeks. That’s kind of what I’m setting myself up for. It’s just base. That’s the biggest obstacle, not being able to have like a separate little location for a couple or separate little room for consults. That’s my biggest struggle because I can’t consistently be scheduling consultations because I would have to schedule them during session times and then that would mean I have to close of one full session for three people, which I end up doing. That takes away session times from my clients.
Then I’ve kind of brought a couple possible trainers and to kind of check out the location. For some reason, I mean obviously they just don’t have the vision that I guess I had and when they see something so small, it’s kind of like, are you serious? So it’s kind of hard finding some reliable people, kind of trusting this guy out of this small little studio. But mainly the biggest obstacle is just the room and being able to kind of work my consultations around my packed schedule already. But so far, I’ve been making it work. Every obstacle is just an opportunity for me to learn something new. That’s the way I see it. So I am as far as a major obstacle, I’ve been able to work with this up until now. I know when I get something bigger, things will be a lot smoother but so far, so good. I’m comfortable here or as comfortable as it could be.
Daniel: Yeah, what I love about that is that you’re always willing to change. You’re willing to just go out there and make things happen. You don’t question things. You don’t wait for the right time. You just take action, which is why you’ve been nicknamed “Yestor” and you just make it happen. I think that’s been a big part of your success so far and it’ll be the reason why two or three years on the road, you’re going to be having four, five or six boot camps throughout California and rocking it.
Nestor: Yeah, will do.
Daniel: So that’s awesome.
Nestor: Absolutely. Well, thank you.
Daniel: Yeah, absolutely. Now what is your main source for attracting leads into your boot camp? I know you’re very active on Facebook and you’ve run some really good Facebook ads. Perhaps, you could touch a little bit more on how you’re marketing to get clients or to get leads in your door and then maybe a couple tips about Facebook that have worked for you.
Nestor: Yeah, Facebook has the best source for me because it’s the best way to leverage my time. With my space and the clients that I have, I have to have a lot of sessions. That’s the thing about it. I have a lot of sessions throughout the day so I can have enough availability for my clients. So I can’t go—well, I shouldn’t say can’t. It’s hard for me to kind of go out to businesses and do a lot kind of networking in that way because my time is already kind spreading thin as it is. So as far as leveraging my time, Facebook is the best way to do it because I can do it from inside the studio.
As far as Facebook ads, I ran several with some good success and then some with bad success obviously as we continue learning. Facebook is the way I actually launched that first challenge we did that you helped me out with. I remember I went out to businesses. We hit my small email list. I had like 50 to 60 people in the email list at that point but I remember at that point I hadn’t done a Facebook ad just yet. My brother—obviously, I didn’t have clients and I wasn’t making any money—he let me borrow an extra $60 to pay actually my overdrafts at the bank because I was overdrawn at that point. I took that $60 and I said well I could pay my overdraft and be a zero on my bank account or I can kind of play with it and put on a Facebook ad. And sure enough, that $60 brought me in I think it was about $1,300 within two or three for my first challenge that I kind of started. That’s how I started bringing people into my doors.
But that just goes to show that the type of return that you can have on just a small investment with Facebook. I think that’s the most I’ve spent on the Facebook ad, and again with me, my small location doesn’t take very many people to kind of fill it up with a Facebook ad so for me I can spend anywhere from $60 to $100 and comfortably bring in $1,300 to in my last one, actually just last month, I was able to bring in $3,200 from I think $120 I spent on a Facebook ad.
The type of ads I kind of see more success with are the kind of the posts, posting it on your page and then just boosting it to your target market. I’ve seen a lot more success with that than the actual kind of the ads that come on the feeds. I’ve played around with different types of ads, obviously learning from like Jeff Sherman and Josh Carter and the stuff that those guys are doing. There’s a lot of potential as far as what you can do with Facebook nowadays. It also it doesn’t hurt that actually one of my best friends from high school just got hired, actually he’s a public something on Facebook. He actually gets and he’s given me when I first was starting off earlier in the year a $50 credit towards the ads so that doesn’t hurt very much either. I got that little advantage right.
But definitely Facebook ads and learning how to market them and use Facebook, anything to leverage your time is something I would recommend for everyone to do. Learning from again people like Jeff Sherman and Josh Carter and those guys are doing amazing stuff with Facebook so definitely, definitely looking into following those guys and the stuff that they’re doing would really, really help out a lot to anyone that’s looking to really market out on Facebook.
Daniel: Excellent. So I really like what you said about leveraging your time, using your strengths. You don’t have a lot of time like you said right now to get a lot of market so you know that you can go to Facebook and create an ad pretty quickly and it’s a huge return of investment, just going with you and it’s working for you right now. It’s just very smart.
All right, so let’s go back to the very beginning for a moment. You shared a little bit with us about your beginnings but I know you started with basically nothing, with little experience, not a whole lot of connections and not a lot of money. So what advice would you give to someone just starting out who might be in a similar situation?
Nestor: Obviously when you’re in that type of situation, your mind is going in a whole bunch of different directions. First off, you don’t know what you’re doing. But the first thing I would recommend is taking one obstacle at a time, kind of taking one obstacle at a time and building your confidence. Everything is going to be uncharted territory at that point so you just have to accept it and know that you’re not going to have the answers to everything at that point so to try to figure everything out all at once is almost an impossible task. What I mean by that is trying to figure out how to market, how to become a better trainer, how to network, getting more certifications and all that type of stuff that kind of go into your mind when you’re first starting off. You want to do a whole bunch of different stuff but once you’ve tackled one obstacle at a time and you start building your confidence then the next obstacle doesn’t seem very daunting at that point. That’s where obviously a mentor is of huge help.
Taking one obstacle at a time and looking for a mentor are the two top things that I recommend most people do if you’re starting off at that point. When I had my business or when I started it, I had obviously the help the TT Forum and then from you specifically, helping me with my first challenge to get that initial rush of people in here, stuff that I would never would have thought of doing had I not known you or reached out to you or asked for help. I think if at that point if I hadn’t tried to do something on my own or figured it out on my own, things probably would’ve turned out a lot, lot different. So definitely taking one obstacle at a time and then just building your confidence and finding a mentor that can kind of guide you through those obstacles are by far the best things to do at that point.
Daniel: Excellent. We were talking about in the TT forum building that momentum. I mean once you’ve got the ball rolling, things just seem to fall into place. It’s like you said, the hardest part is just getting started. Once you get the ball rolling, things always seem to work out the way you want it to. You’re going to have a lot of obstacles in the way but you just keep going and keep going and don’t get lost in it at all.
Nestor: Exactly. Keep going and then that at that point, everything is going to be out of your comfort zone. I remember when you recommended I do a six-week challenge, in my mind at that point I was thinking I have no idea. What? A six-week challenge? What am I supposed to do with that? I don’t know how to do that. All that was going through my mind when you were recommending I do that. Obviously, I still did it and that was the turning point for me.
So getting out of your comfort zone, that’s one. Everything is going to be out of your comfort zone at that point but kind of just jumping in and taking imperfect action will just boost your confidence up and kind of let you know that it’s not as hard or as tough as you’re kind of making it out to seem.
Daniel: Absolutely. Well said. Well said. All right, so a big part of the battle is getting people in your door and signing them up but an often overlooked aspect of running your own boot camp is keeping the members happy and satisfied. I know from seeing your stuff on Facebook, the members absolutely love you in your boot camp. What are some of the things that you do to go the extra mile to keep your members satisfied and coming back for more and not leaving your boot camp and going to competition to try something new which often happens to gym owners?
Nestor: With me, honestly it’s been more I’ve been very transparent and open with my clients ever since I started. Without my clients, I obviously would have no business. Without them, I wouldn’t have what I have right now. I wouldn’t have the moments I have. I wouldn’t have the recognition that I’m kind of starting to get a little bit. Along the way, I was just kind of sharing things about myself and about my journey about what I’m trying to do and where I’m trying to get. It’s just make them feel kind of a part of it.
It’s kind of great when I have clients say things like “Oh, we’re growing out of this place. We need a bigger place” or “We got a new member” or things like that, we, we, we, we. When I have clients that talk like that, I know they’re not going to go anywhere. They’re already thinking of our next location. “Oh, when we get a bigger location, we can all paint it and help you out.” It’s amazing. It’s just so rewarding to know that they kind of feel that way about my business and well about me, too. That’s really, really kind of what’s helped me start building my community here. Making them a part of this journey, kind of being transparent and being open with them.
Again, working with three people at a time it’s hard for me to obviously get people together like in an actual boot camp. Building the community and a large boot camp like that might be a little bit easier because you can get larger crowds together. For me, that was kind of the struggle at the beginning. Then once I started doing stuff like the private Facebook group and I actually just started doing a weekend outdoor boot camp so that they can start meeting each other since a lot of them interact on Facebook but they don’t know each other, things like that just kind of build my community so that they feel like they’re a part of something and even though we’re in this small, little location, we could do that. We can still build that community and kind of have that family atmosphere here.
As far as the course that I’ve gone with, it’s just kind of being open and transparent with them as far as my struggles and things that I’m going with. It just kind of makes them feel a part of it. Again, it’s just been amazing. It’s been amazing for them to go through this growth with me. That’s kind of my approach to that.
Daniel: That’s awesome. Our boot camp, Brittany and I, we call our members, they’re our fitness family. Like you said, it’s a big family. It’s a “We.” It’s not “Me.” It’s “We” which just bringing everybody together. Like you said, it just builds up that community and let’s everyone know that you’re there for each other. You’re not alone. You’re one big family and you’re going to go through struggles together and you’re going to come out on top together.
Nestor: Yeah. It’s a great feeling when you know you have your clients buying into you. They’re buying into you and into your product. To be able to have that is just amazing. It’s amazing. To know that they have such strong feelings for your business and for your success and they want to see the best for you, that just motivates me even more.
Daniel: Absolute. All right, Nestor. Referrals are the lifeline of gyms and I’m sure that you get a lot of referrals in your boot camp since you said your members love you and they’re willing to help you out in any way possible. So what type of referral system do you have in place and how do you kind of go about encouraging your members to bring their friends, family members and co-workers?
Nestor: Referrals for me are still kind of a new thing for me. What I mean by that is when I first started off, I didn’t have the confidence to ask for referrals because I didn’t have the confidence in myself to fully know what I could do for these new clients that I was getting. So for me to ask them for referrals, it was kind of hard for me at that point. It hasn’t been until the last couple of months actually since the beginning of the year where my clients were starting to see some great results, I’m building that community feeling and clients are really starting to feel like they’re a part of something that the referrals actually started to just kind of come in on their own because clients just started sending them to me.
So as far as me asking for actual referrals, I haven’t done any type of promotions or anything like that just yet. But I am about to now that I opened up more time slots because that’s one of the reasons I decided to open more time slots. I’ve had clients kind of ask me or tell me if they can refer people to me but they can only work out on certain times. Unfortunately, a lot of times that they want to come in are already filled up with current clients. So I have the need for more time slots because I couldn’t take on these referrals that my clients wanted to send me.
But once with my time is actually available next week and I’ve been kind of talking to clients, I’ve been talking it up now, my approach is going to be before I put out a promotion to fill my new time slots, I want to offer it to current family and friends. So it’s kind of like I’m opening it up first to your family and friends because I know you have people that want to come in and train and I just didn’t have the space for them before. That’s the approach I’m going to go with trying to fill those time slots without having to do a Facebook ad just yet.
In return, I’m going to attach that with a referral contest starting next week so the person that refers the most people—I’m just going to make it simple—I’m going to give away an iPad mini to the person that refers the most people to me. I’m pretty confident because I already have people telling me “Oh, I’m going to refer” or “My cousin and friends have been asking and you just don’t have the space just yet” so I’m pretty confident I’m going to be able to fill up a lot of my open availability. Then I kind of make it a successful referral contest for the remainder of the month here.
So again the referral system, I’m barely kind of implementing them right now. I think it was you that told me about that referral contest at the beginning of the year but like I said at the beginning of the year I just didn’t quite have the confidence to run that just yet. But now fortunately, I think it will be a great success.
Daniel: Yeah. It sounds like you’re on the right track, Nestor. I always tell people, too, it’s a lot easier to sell people that are friends or co-workers or family members of the members. Basically, the members will do the selling for you. They keep talking a lot. They keep telling their friends or family how great you are and how awesome your boot camp is. Their friends see the results so it’s just an easy sell. It really is.
Nestor: Yeah. Like I said, just only now I’m getting the wave of my first initial clients getting great, great results and one thing I never really capitalized on, again because that confidence thing kind of was in the way. I didn’t have the confidence to tell someone, “Let me take your before picture” but now in the last month, every person that comes in now I take at the initial consultation their measurements and weight and I take their before picture. But now that my older clients are seeing that I do that for the new clients, they’re actually just giving me their before pictures and I’m taking their after pictures here. They’re so proud of it.
I have one client that brought me in the last week just three new people because of her before-and-after picture. She is just showing it off to her family and friends and they’re all saying that they want to come and train. So they’re proud about that. I never capitalized on before-and-after pictures but now again that’s a new thing I’m starting to implement. Again, I’m learning as I go. That’s probably something I should’ve been doing since the beginning but again I said that confidence thing just wasn’t there at the beginning.
But it’s great to see that clients are getting results. They’re happy about it. When you hand those before and after, they go off and they show it off to anyone that’ll see it. So yeah, I’m definitely feeling great about these next couple of weeks with referrals and my clients and all that good stuff.
Daniel: Very cool. All right, Nestor, we’re running out of time here but I want to get in a couple more questions. Let’s say that someone has a boot camp facility right now. They’ve been open for a few months and they’re just struggling right now. They’re not getting a lot of leads in. They’re feeling down and out. What are three tips that you would give someone who currently has a boot camp but they’re just not making things happen and they’re not happy with their success so far? What are three tips that you would give them to help them out?
Nestor: Well, just thinking back to when I was starting to just several months ago, first and foremost when you’re in that position that you’re not kind of seeing any results, you’re not seeing any success, it kind of starts messing with your mind. You start doubting yourself with all this negative self-talk. So definitely, definitely offset that kind of reading books that are going to help you with your mindset.
I remember the first book I read back in just September or October. It was Think and Grow Rich and that to me was kind of what put that little spark in my head that I can do better. Then from there, I kind of just started getting a little bit more confidence to do certain things and to network with people and to do that type of stuff. So work on your mindset so that all that negativity doesn’t just kind of cloud you and keep you from making progress.
Then networking and then finding a mentor. Again, networking and finding a mentor are essential, especially when you’re starting off. Someone that can kind of guide you and give you step-by-step direction as to what you can be doing to improve, that’s invaluable because at that point you probably don’t know anything. So someone that’s been there before and kind of has some advice to give you would be great at that point.
And then the third thing is with the clients you do have, be transparent with them. Kind of share with them your story, your journey and make them a part of what you’re trying to do and what you’re trying to build because that will build loyalty between those clients and they’re going to want to help you out. They’re going to want to help you out.
The very first client that I had in here, again the very first time I signed, because of her—and I should probably do like a little tree to see how many clients she had to give—I think from her I’ve gotten about 12 to 14 people sign up with me because of her, her direct referrals and then their referrals because I’ve been transparent with her and she wants to help me out. So being transparent with your clients, they’re going to want to help you out. Again, that will bring in a lot more referrals.
Daniel: Excellent. That’s excellent. All right, Nestor, I’ve got one final question for you here. I know you work long hours. You’re there all day. You don’t have a lot of time for yourself. You don’t have a whole lot of time right now to go stay with friends or family members or hang out at the beach. What keeps you fired up? What motivates you to get up each morning and to keep going? Even during those days when you’re just down and out, you don’t fight waking up, you’re tired, what motivates you? What gets you going each day?
Nestor: For me, not to get too much into my background but like I said earlier, I was born in Mexico and raised here but my dad, ever since we were young, my parents are hard workers. Family is hardworking. Field workers, factory worker, he instilled that hard work ethic as a kid. So it’s just been instilled in me. It’s not very hard for me to kind of stick to that because that’s just the way I was raised.
All the sacrifices that they’ve done for me, not just as a kid growing up but in the last year that I’ve been trying to kind of build my own business, the support that they’ve had even if it hasn’t been financial, I feel like I owe it to them. So my main motivation by far is my family and I definitely want to be successful because in the last couple of months, I’ve realized that this isn’t just about me. This journey that I’m going through, this whole transformation that I’m going through is not just for me; it’s for my family. They’ve made a lot of sacrifices to help me out and to be where I’m at so this journey, this business, this adventure is as much theirs as it is mine. So I owe it to my parents, I owe it to my family to kind of give my all each and every day. That’s kind of what drives me, man. That’s what drives me.
Daniel: That’s awesome. That’s all the time we have today, Nestor. I really appreciate you sharing your story with us. I feel extremely lucky to call you a friend. You have inspired me every single day, just everything you’ve come through, all the obstacles you’ve overcome and just the fact that you step out of your comfort zone, you don’t question things, you take action and you had this dream that you’re not going to stop until you get there. So I know you inspire me and you inspire hundreds of other people in your area and in the TT community so I want to thank you for sharing your journey with us and for leading by example.
Nestor: Well Dani, I learned a lot from you, man. I’ve told you before, I’ve credited you for that initial kind of spark in my business, man. You’ve really helped me out and because I’m surrounded by people like you that I am where I’m at. So I appreciate you, I appreciate TT, Turbulence Training, Craig and everyone because definitely getting involve with Turbulence Training is by far the best decision I made. Obviously, I’m looking forward to a lot more success, not just for me but for all of us, everyone on the TT forum, especially on the TT forum because that’s where I come from, man. There are a lot of stories going on right there, a lot of growth and a lot of exciting things happen right there on the TT forum. It’s great to be a part of that. It’s great to be a part of that.
Daniel: Right. I agree 100% with you. If you’re not on the TT Forum, get on there right away. Like Nestor said, we’ve got a lot of great conversation going back and forth, a lot of tips and some stories that can really help you out personally and professionally. All right, guys, that’s all the time we have for today. Thank you again for joining us and we will talk to you soon. Bye-bye.