ETR Insider Report: The Evolution of Early to Rise

I’ve been editing Early to Rise since the day it began – about eight years ago – when Michael Masterson decided the Internet was the perfect vehicle for him to share his thoughts on how to achieve success. Given his personal experience as a wealth builder, business builder, and marketing expert, he had plenty to write about.

And so he did. Every day, he’d sit down at his computer and bang out an issue. I’d give it a quick once-over and send it off to be posted. And that was that. But not for long…

ETR grew in size as well as scope. From one article per issue to two, three, and four. From five days a week to six to seven. Then Michael started to write about other subjects he was enthusiastic about – health and fitness, wine, art, books, travel. “Word to the Wise” was born. And he brought in “guest” writers to talk about their own areas of expertise.

With Michael, one idea leads to another and another and then another. And before you know it, an e-zine that was initially sent to a few thousand people has about 400,000 subscribers… 30 employees… and dozens of profitable spin-off products.

The change was gradual but constant. If you scan through the ETR Archives, you’ll see what I mean.

ETR may look a whole lot different now than it did at the beginning, but one thing has never changed: This e-zine is fueled by feedback from our readers. And you can tell how important your input is, because we make it so easy for you to communicate with us.

* If you like – or dislike – a particular article, tell us about it by clicking on the “Comment” link immediately following this article.

* If you have a question for Michael or one of ETR’s other experts, write to us at

In fact, why don’t you “talk” to us right now – or at least as soon as you finish reading this issue.

We read every comment, every e-mail, and every SpeakOut post. And you can be sure that what you have to say today will help shape the future evolution of ETR.