Early to Rise Radio

Weekly episodes on health, wealth, and a life well-lived—hosted by ETR Editor Craig Ballantyne

Early to Rise Radio

Weekly episodes on health, wealth, and a life well-lived—hosted by ETR Editor Craig Ballantyne

031 - Love of Money: How to Live an Abundant Life & Overcome Anything

031 – Love of Money: How to Live an Abundant Life & Overcome Anything

By Craig Ballantyne | 11/27/2017

Do you struggle with anxiety and suffering in silence? Do you need more structure in your life and have thought about what kind of coach/mentor is right for you? Do you make sacrifices in your pursuit of success but still come up short of the Perfect Day? On this episode, Chris Harder interviews ME as I dive deep into all of this and explain the importance of giving and a positive mentality.

030 - Gratitude: The Key to Happiness & Success

030 – Gratitude: The Key to Happiness & Success

By Craig Ballantyne | 11/18/2017

Do you struggle with the 1st world problems of comparison syndrome, envy, and taking things – or people – for granted? Don’t worry, we all do. That’s why we’re going to take a deep dive today into the lives of very successful people who have an attitude of gratitude. It changed my life, and it’ll change yours as well. Today you’ll hear the daily morning gratitude rituals of the rich and famous – and HAPPY – including Tony Robbins, Oprah, Lewis Howes, Chris Pratt, Bedros Keuilian, and many, many more.

029 - How to Go From Corporate Job to 6-Figure Entrepreneur While Raising a Family, Being Insanely Productive, Having a Great Marriage, and Making Craig Laugh

029 – How to Go From Corporate Job to 6-Figure Entrepreneur While Raising a Family, Being Insanely Productive, Having a Great Marriage, and Making Craig Laugh

By Craig Ballantyne | 11/13/2017

Brad Pilon was a 6-figure corporate success story, but he wanted to be an entrepreneur and live life on his own terms. The problem was that he was married (to his best friend) and the father of two young kids. Still, thanks to his insanely productive morning routine and daily rituals, he was able to build a multiple six-figure home-based business while strengthening his marriage and raising two awesome kids. He explains how he did this … all while making Craig laugh … in the last Early To Rise Radio Show Podcast.

028 - How to Get More Done When You Know Your Values, Value, and Vision

028 – How to Get More Done When You Know Your Values, Value, and Vision

By Craig Ballantyne | 11/6/2017

Most people fail to get stuff done not because they don’t have morning routines and rituals or even self-discipline. But because they don’t know their values, value, or vision for their life. Find out how to create a Champion Mindset so you can have success in your marriage, your business, and your health, so you can create the wealth you desire and live the life of your dreams.

027 - A Busy Parent's Morning Routine and Guide to Success in Marriage, Work, and Raising Children

027 – A Busy Parent’s Morning Routine and Guide to Success in Marriage, Work, and Raising Children

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/30/2017

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Perfect Life, my friends Vince and Flavia Delmonte. They are both successful entrepreneurs, loving parents, and best friends in their relationship. They have gone through many ups and downs and today their marriage is stronger than ever. But what’s their secret to their success in life and raising children? I traveled to their home to interview them in person about daily routines, morning rituals, and the importance of communication in love and life … and they even taught me how to FIGHT! This is an eye-opening, jaw-dropping, politically incorrect deep dive into marriage in the 21st century.

026 - Caffeine, Alcohol, and Water: How much, When, Why, and Why not!

026 – Caffeine, Alcohol, and Water: How much, When, Why, and Why not!

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/23/2017

Yes, you CAN drink caffeine and alcohol and be a high-performer, but you have to know your limits, determine your daily dose, and use these scientifically proven principles for optimal performance. On today’s show you’ll also be shocked to know the calorie and caffeine content of your favorite liquid nutrition drinks. Find out all of this – and the right amount of water to drink each day – for high performance.

025 - 7 Secrets to Building a Brand & Mission in the New Economy

025 – 7 Secrets to Building a Brand & Mission in the New Economy

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/16/2017

Meet the wizard behind one of the fastest growing franchise brands in America. He’s built a company mission that has attracted raving fans, incredible opportunity, and massive profits. His name is Bedros Keuilian, and his brand is Fit Body Boot Camp. And today you’ll discover his 7 simple secrets to creating a tribe of followers who love your mission and want to build your brand.


024 – 7 Habits of High Performers and Rich and Successful People

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/9/2017

Imagine the perfect daily routine of a high performer. Everything meticulously planned and prepared and made simple and smooth for success. But also imagine getting an inside peek at the secrets that allow them to be insanely productive while still being able to recover and have high energy every day. These are the 7 super-habits of high performers that you can start using today.

Man-Up! Five Politically Incorrect Lessons on How to Man-Up, Cut the BS, and Dominate Your Path in Live

023 – Man-Up! Five Politically Incorrect Lessons on How to Man-Up, Cut the BS, and Dominate Your Path in Life

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/2/2017

Ouch. This might hurt. But if you want to succeed faster, then it’s time for you to Man-Up, stop being a wussy, take control of your situation, and rise to your potential. Count it down with me and Bedros Keuilian: 5-4-3-2-1 => It’s… Time… To… Man… Up!

022 - #1 Mental Hack for Success and Overcoming Self-Doubt

022 – #1 Mental Hack for Success and Overcoming Self-Doubt

By Craig Ballantyne | 09/25/2017

Discover Craig’s secrets to building a champion mindset so that you can be successful in every area of your life. Listen, chances are that you’ve been a great athlete, a top student, or you have amazing family relationships. That means you are a champion in one area of life. But it’s also likely that you are crippled with self-doubt and struggle in another area of life. In this show, Craig reveals how you can overcome this mindset, build your confidence, and apply a new champion mindset for success. You’ll see how the best of the best – like Tom Brady, Stephen King, and Lewis Howes use this every day – and you can too!


021 – Lewis Howes Reveals the Keys to Greatness and the Masks of Masculinity

By Craig Ballantyne | 09/18/2017

Discover how to build your morning routine for greatness, overcome the obstacles in your life, and why you need to be vulnerable if you want to impact the world. You’ll learn all of this PLUS you’ll get a sneak peek into his exciting new book, the Mask of Masculinity.

020 - #1 Pillar of High Performance

020 – #1 Pillar of High Performance

By Craig Ballantyne | 09/11/2017

#1 pillar of high performance that gives you all day energy levels, laser-like focus, better sleep, faster recovery, and a leaner, sexier body… These amazing benefits are all within your arms reach at a grocery store. You see, the #1 factor in your physical and mental performance – and appearance – is good nutrition. Find out what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat in order for you to lose weight, look great, and get in high-performance shape for both the bedroom and the boardroom. Discover the lessons I learned at the University of Arnold Schwarzenegger at age 16 to be lean and energetic for life.