Facebook for Fat Loss?
You know what you need to do in order to lose fat: Eat less and exercise more.
But that’s easier said than done, especially when you’re surrounded by friends who want to drag you to another movie or high-calorie restaurant meal when you should be working out.
Researchers from Regis University in Denver have found that “individuals with similar body fat levels will cluster together into groups, and if left unchecked, current social forces will drive these groups toward increasing obesity.”
To break the cycle, you have to hunt out people who share your weight-loss goals. And you don’t have to stick to your friends. In fact, the researchers suggest that “social networks” may be a key to halting the obesity epidemic.
Building a Facebook group that includes strangers who have already lost fat is one way to go. But I prefer to have my clients get social support from people they know through Twitter.com. You could also get involved in the ETR forums or an online weight-loss club.
The bottom line is that you need social support for fat-loss success. Start associating with positive people who share similar goals, and you’ll soon be losing all the weight you want.
[Ed. Note: For an exercise routine that builds muscle and burns fat, try fitness expert Craig Ballatyne’s Turbulence Training program.]