Find Your Calling and Avoid the Number One Mistake in Life

According to a survey of 1,500 of the wisest Americans, the #1 mistake in life is…
…Staying in a job you dislike.
This research, conducted by Karl Pillemer of Cornell University for his book “30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest
Americans”, revealed that:
“Staying in a job you dislike is a recipe for regret.“
“Spending 2,000 hours a year in a job you hate is a waste of your life.”
You can’t get that time back, but you can take advantage of what I believe is my LUCKIEST break in life.
You see, my luckiest break was recognizing my “Calling” early in life.
When I was just 16 years old I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life helping people improve their health and fitness. This was right around the time when I first started working out at my local YMCA. And I was very lucky that the Personal Training industry was growing, and that being a trainer was even a career option.
Today, I help over 100,000 people every day through my fitness emails, another 135,000 on my TT Facebook page, over 131,000 at Early to Rise, and over 150,000 people through the delivery of our Workout of the Day.
I am so incredibly lucky.
(Thanks Mom for supporting me on this journey, and Happy Mother’s Day!)
Now here’s the great news…I”m not the only one that can “get lucky” in life.
YOU can be LUCKY in life, too.
But you don’t need to go to college for 6 years like I did. You do not need to spend 2 years in the lab getting the Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology that I have. You don’t need to spend five years struggling to build your business, like I did in the early 2000′s.
These days, the path to an amazing career in the fitness industry has already been blazed and laid down for you, step-by-step.
If you want to help dozens of people in your gym, hundreds – or thousands – of people in your community, or even hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, it has never been easier.
So if this is your calling, to become the BEST personal trainer in your gym, your town, your state, or even one of the best online trainers in the world (like several Certified TT Trainers have become), NOW is your chance.
If this is your calling, don’t make the #1 mistake that our wisest American elders are warning against.
If helping others is your calling, then join me in San Diego in June at the 4th Turbulence Training Summit, where we’ll show you how to become a GREAT personal trainer…how to deliver AMAZING workouts…and how to quickly and easily fill your training schedule and bootcamp classes.
This year’s TT Summit contains all NEW morning bootcamp workouts with myself, my friends Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove, and TT Trainers like Kate Vidulich, Mikey Whitfield, Shawna Kaminski, and many more.
We’ll help you find your calling as quickly as possible and ADD Value to the world. We’ll show you how to Take Action on your dreams, because…
Action Takers Rule the World!
Join me at the TT Summit & we’ll help you experience your LUCKY break.
Go here to live your calling and attend the TT Summit
See you in San Diego,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Success…
“Success and transformation are simple once you accept how difficult it will be.” Only then will you accept the sacrifices required.
Only then will you accept the effort, honesty, responsibility, planning, creativity, intensity, discipline, & control the process requires.
Success is simple, but not easy. It is not going to happen from any magic pill. Only once you accept that will you succeed.
Join me at the TT Summit & we’ll help you find your calling.
Reserve your spot for the 2014 TT Summit
I can’t wait to meet you and help you there.