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Your Metabolism Slows Down and Stays Down, Unless…

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/28/2008

I have some bad news for you. According to scientists at New York’s Presbyterian Medical Center at Columbia University, folks who succeed in losing weight tend to wind up suffering from a lower than expected metabolic rate. This means that if you lose weight, you will burn fewer calories each day than someone of the same weight who was never overweight.


The Low-Intensity Cardio Lie

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/27/2008

Once in a while, a study comes along that surprises me. For instance, I recently found one showing that cardio works for fat loss – as long as it is high-intensity cardio.


Choosing the Right Weight

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/24/2008

Going to the gym is intimidating enough. But not knowing how much weight to use for an exercise can make you feel even more uncomfortable. If you grab a weight that’s too light, you’ll waste your time. If you grab a weight that’s too heavy, you risk injury.


Battle of the Ab Exercises

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/23/2008

To get six-pack abs, most people think they’ll have to do hundreds of crunches. But crunches involve spinal flexion (rounding forward), and research shows that spinal flexion can lead to herniated discs. Knowing this has sent me on a long and exhaustive search for safe and effective ab training.


The Anti-Aging Effects of Exercise

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/22/2008

Growth hormone is known as a “fountain of youth” in the anti-aging community because it helps build muscle and burn body fat. But research has shown that people who are overweight tend to have lower growth hormone levels.


The Worst Thing You Can Do for Muscles

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/17/2008

There are some things we should NOT do to our muscles. One of the worst is to stop moving them.

Swedish and American scientists teamed up to find out just how bad complete bed rest is for muscles. In the study, they subjected eight men to a three-day period of lower-limb suspension (for one leg only).


Bent Out of Shape About a JointFlex Commercial

By Bob Bly | 10/15/2008

A sin to be avoided in sales copy is using words that remind the prospect you are, in actuality, selling a product, not just educating or helping him out of the kindness of your heart. One of the words on my forbidden list is “product.” Today, I heard a radio spot for JointFlex, an arthritis supplement, that repeats the word many times.


Obesity and the Brain: The Exercise Connection

By Dr. Jonny Bowden | 10/8/2008

For years, conventional wisdom has been that exercise helps control weight by simply burning calories. But it appears that it does much more than that.


Soy Foods: Friend or Foe?

By Kelly Herring | 10/6/2008

You might think there’s very little difference between tempeh and tofu. But when it comes to your health, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Why? Unfermented soy foods – like edamame, soy nuts, soy sprouts, soy flour, soy protein isolate, soy milk, and tofu – contain two anti-nutrients: trypsin…


Why Workouts Make You Say “Ouch”

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/3/2008

My trademark attorney just e-mailed me and said he was going to the gym for the first time in 18 months. I quickly e-mailed back and told him to take it easy.

As anyone who has started a new exercise program knows, his muscles are going to be sore. But why is that? And why does it take a day or two for it to happen?


Good Health Habits Pay Off – Even If You Start Late

By James B. LaValle | 09/30/2008

Even if you don’t adopt good health habits until well into middle age, a new study shows that it’s still worth your while to do so…


Don’t Diet TOO Much

By Craig Ballantyne | 09/25/2008

Bodybuilders have long known that if you eat too little for too long, you can actually decrease your resting metabolic rate (the number of calories you burn at rest).