“When you try your best, but you don’t succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep
Stuck in reverse.” – Coldplay, Fix You
If you feel that way, like you’re stuck in reverse, then I have good news for you.
Now, before I show you how to FIX this feeling, let me tell you a story about a woman who suffered, but then rose from the ashes like a powerful Phoenix.
You might not believe this…
…but it’s true.
Painfully true.
The year was 2007.
My friend, Catherine Gordon, was at the grocery store with her son.
As they reached the checkout counter, the clerk said:
“Hey young man, does your grandmother qualify for the senior’s discount?”
Catherine was only 44 years old.
It was the lowest point in her life.
She wanted to crawl under a rock and die.
We’ve all been there… on a day not looking our best… when someone said something hurtful about us.
We know how Catherine feels.
Fortunately, there’s a happy ending to this story.
Just a few days later, as Catherine was searching the web for a solution, she stumbled across my Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
She entered.
She won.
In just 12 weeks she lost 14 pounds and looked 14 years younger.
You can read her story and see her amazing transformation here
Today, Catherine runs her own gym in Sonora, California, and her weight loss story is regularly featured on ABC and in national magazines.
Even better for you…
…Catherine recently flew out to Denver to film a workout with me.
And you’re getting that bodyweight workout for free today.
Watch Catherine put me through a 4-minute fat burning workout

Here’s the exact workout plan:
Catherine & Craig’s Warm-Up
1. V Squat x 10
2. Alternating Reverse Lunge x 6/side
3. SCREACH x 5/side
The 4-Minute Total Body Miracle Bodyweight Workout
1. Burpees (60 seconds)
2. Close-Grip Pushups (60 seconds)
3. Punisher Prisoner Squats (60 seconds)
4. Cross-Body Mountain Climber (60 seconds)
Make sure to watch the video to see exercise substitutions in case those moves are too hard for you.
And then once you’ve watched our video and listened to her success tips, make sure to join our FREE Transformation Contest.
Join the free weight loss contest here
You can win $1000 of my money just for losing weight, just like Catherine.
Looking forward to sending you a BIG check!
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Use this to guide you through the dips this week…
You can always get better at what you want to improve.
Don’t let fear, self-doubt, or mean people hold you back on what’s important to you.
Improve your attitude, environment, & belief in yourself.
If you have these RIGHT, you WILL make massive progress on your goals and dreams.
PPS – And once you’ve listened to…
…Catherine’s success tips, make sure to join our FREE Transformation Contest.