Fixing Your Diet Mistakes and 3 Food Lies

A TT member cried out in guilt today…I heard him and delivered some advice that will also help you overcome your diet struggles and remorse.
From TT Member Matt:
I gave in to pizza last night. I ate one slice, then another. At 12:15 at night, it was completely unnecessary. So were the double chocolate brownie bites.I’m paying for it this morning, feeling sick to my stomach and physically exhausted. Even my skin feels strange.
I can’t believe this was once normal behavior for me. Just 3 weeks ago, before I joined the 22nd TT Transformation, I would eat that junk late at night on a regular basis…and not have any problems doing it.
I’m on my way to becoming a changed man. I won’t go back to living that way. I’ve made too many changes and I’m making progress, dropping inches. I’ve felt better these last few weeks then I ever did in the last few years.
But you got to understand; we are chiseling away at 33 years of fat and bad habits here. I’ve packed this on and had a mighty fine time doing it. I just need a little help to overcome the guilt when I fall back. I just need a little encouragement to keep going and make big changes.
Craig’s Reply to Matt and to YOU:
Matt, you are going to make a great success story very soon, showing the world that when you have a physical transformation you also have a powerful mental transformation at the same time. Stay strong. Mistakes happen to all of us.
I almost blew it the other night. I know the feeling of diet guilt & remorse.
But even if you can walk away from that last brownie bite, it’s a victory. Here’s what I wrote on Facebook today. It’s timely…perhaps I heard your struggles in the Universe and wrote it for you…
I know it will help: Every time you lose, you win. You learn what temptations and obstacles you must avoid. You discover what doesn’t work so that you don’t repeat that mistake in the future. You get closer to recognizing the right rules for your life. You go forward with confidence in your plans, knowing that you will make the right decision. You are stronger, not weaker, better, not broken. You are wiser for having tried and failed.
A full life is one lived with many experiences. Some will be great, many good, and there will be a few disasters along the way. It’s alright. Count them as lessons learned, not failures lost. Look at everything that you do the right way. The past has made you into the great person you are today. Use today’s lessons to make you even better tomorrow. Stay strong and keep on pushing on. We believe in you.
Matt, it also sounds like you also suffer from a case of “If it’s in the house you’re going to eat it.” So many of us do. I know that can be the way for me.If that’s true, then I want you to get rid of as much of the junk in your house as you can…if your spouse and kids object, work with them to hide their goodies so that you can’t see them on a regular basis.
The less temptation the better. Removing the negative is more important than adding the positive. One bad binge can set you back more than one good meal can move you ahead.
Listen, I’m proud of everything that YOU have accomplished. I believe in you. You are in the right place here in the TT Transformation Contest. You have a LOT more support than you think…many have been in the same situation as you…and many have overcome the obstacle, just like you are going to do.
If you need help fixing your diet, this Insider’s Guide to Fat Burning Foods is one of the best resources in the world. I’ve been recommending it for years and it’s helped tens of thousands of people change their lives.
The problem is that too many of us have been fed diet myths and nutrition lies by the big companies and magazine articles. That leaves good people like you confused. Fortunately, this article reveals the truth.
Fix your diet mistake and overcome the 3 BIG food lies here
Stop storing fat and start losing it instead.
Keep going and never give up,Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Hey Craig, how are YOUR streaks going?
If you remember, I set a few goals for myself during the 22nd TT Transformation Contest. Some of these are embarrassing, because they shine a spotlight on my personality ‘issues’. I’m far from perfect, but as you’ll see in these updates, I’m getting better every day. Hope YOU are too.
Streaking Update It’s nice to be home, to see Bally the Dog, to train at the local YMCA, to do a garage gym workout, and to pick up Bally poop at 6:30am in the cold, frozen darkness of Southern Ontario.
1) Write 3000 words per day
I planned and prepared well for this morning’s writing session, putting together a couple of great emails, some segments for the book, and an interview outline for my coaching clients that will serve us well. I’m a little disappointed I hadn’t thought of this system before…oh well, time to implement it and spread the TT word even faster.
2) No Post Dinner Binge Eating
Not only did have I been strong here, but I haven’t overeaten at dinner for the past few nights, either. When I do, I get bloated and it probably doesn’t help me sleep well. But I’ve ‘ate like a normal person’ the past few days and I’ve slept like a champ. I’m on a very good routine, and that will be a big bonus for point 5 below.
3) 1 Drink Maximum
No alcohol since Monday, but I might have one with friends tonight.
4) No Outbursts or Snarkiness
I won a nice victory here. Well, a few victories. First, I had to get new passport photos and renew my passport, all while walking around Toronto in nice dress shoes and just a sweater – because I was ill prepared for the weather after being in Florida for 2 weeks. My mistake. I had to suck it up, but I was polite and patient in all interactions.
Second, there was a mess-up in my car rental in Toronto. Ultimately, it was no one’s fault but my own. I caught myself before I could raise my voice. Everything turned out fine (as it always does).
Third, after a drive back to the farm, I avoided a confrontation with a family member when I was tired and hungry. Again, mindfulness helped. I knew that, like the Snickers commercials show, I wasn’t being myself because I was hungry. I had a little snack, some water, and avoided all outbursts and snarkiness. I really want to keep this streak going, and thanks to YOU, I am! You’ll go in my gratitude journal tonight.
5) Healthy Gut Days
Dinner was on point last night, so was breakfast this morning (my order of coconut paleo bread showed up just before I arrived home…making for some nice breakfast sandwiches).
Dinner included a lot of brussel sprouts, and if you’ve read anything about FODMAP foods, these can be problematic. But I didn’t notice any bloating from them, and my portion size wasn’t problematic.
Overall, the week was a rollercoaster, with a great SuperBowl Sunday, a bad Groundhog Day Monday, and then a very smooth week despite some trials and tribulations along the way.
Time to finish the day strong,