Friday’s Funny Workout

oops, totally forgot this in Wednesday’s Jane Fonda workout update!
I meant to give you a short 2-minute fat burning finisher to demonstrate the power of putting Turbulence on your muscles to activate the Afterburn Fat Signal.
So here goes…
Friday’s Funny Fat Burning Finisher
– Do not rest between exercises.
1A) *Punisher Squat – 20 seconds of squats, 10 second hold
1B) Reverse Lunge – 30 seconds per side
1C) Pushup – 30 seconds
*Not sure what a Punisher Squat is? Watch this. Oh, and remember, you only do it once, not 8 times like me! Watch me dance “the turbie” after 8 rounds of Punisher Squats. Ha!
Click here to watch this free funny finisher
Have a great weekend and watch for a fun new fat burning workout on Monday.
By the way, did you see the photos of Todd from Wisconsin that lost 75 pounds in the TT contest?
See his amazing before and after photos here
I love the smile on his face in the after photo!
Our next contest starts soon. Stay tuned.
Taking care of your Turbulence,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – One more thing to do today…
Make today the day you finally leave a bad habit behind. Sit it down and tell it that it’s time to move on. Thank it for the memories. Wish it well in its future endeavors, but it make it clear there’s no room for that bad habit in your future.
Tell that bad habit, “It’s me, not you” and kick it to the curb for good.