The Future of Team Building and Creating Your Company Culture

Workplaces in America are in big trouble. If you run a team or own a business, chances are your employees are mentally checking out, and even hate working for you.
And this is even after the COVID-19 pandemic where employees have moved to mostly remote work and are hesitant to come back to the office.
According to Kristi Hedges on, “Among other things, recent studies reveal that 48% of employees worldwide don’t even like their jobs, more than 80% of U.S. workers feel stressed at the office, and only 30% feel ‘engaged and inspired’ by their careers. Especially troubling for leaders and business owners, 18% are actively disengaged – that is, present at work but hating every minute of it.”
48% of employees worldwide don’t like their jobs
Fortunately, there is a solution. There are companies in America and worldwide where employees love what they do and are excited to show up for work.
“When employees are engaged, they adopt the vision, values, and purpose of the organization they work for. They become passionate contributors, innovating problem solvers, and stunning colleagues,” reports TalentCulture.
But do you know the greatest hurdle to cultivating engaged employees?
A lack of communication.
Most team members, no matter how long they have been with you, don’t know why you are in business, who you are trying to help, why you are trying to help, and how they can best be of help in your business.
That leaves everyone making incorrect assumptions.
A lack of communication leads to a lack of clarity of purpose. Without purpose, team members don’t see progress. The research firm, EmployeeConnect, found that if employees do not consistently see progress in their projects, they have a greater risk of becoming disengaged.
All of this means you need to be consistently communicating to your staff and getting them ingrained in your core values and company culture.
The secret to success in this communication is REPETITION.
You must tell them over and over and over again the following:
a) Your origin story
b) Your mission
c) Your vision
d) Your core values
You can never stop repeating your message. You must never stop finding new stories to illustrate these four points. Your team needs to hear and see examples every week, if not daily.
Even if you think they are sick of hearing about these four points, the truth is they still don’t truly understand your story, mission, vision, and values. That’s why you have to sound like a broken record, but in a good, positive, and entertaining way (with stories and examples).
Otherwise, people forget that you once struggled. They forget why you started the business. They only see you as the successful, wealthy business owner. And if they don’t know your humble origins, it can lead to an adversarial relationship with your team (if there is poor communication).
Tell your story, repeat your mission of helping others, be clear about the future of the company, and share examples of your core values in action.
This can’t be shared with your team enough times.
For example, I do this in a weekly email to our team at my business, Early To Rise.
Each week in the newsletter, I point out a team member that is living ETR’s core values. I also do a little write-up on a staff member’s story, including where they were born, why they love working at ETR, etc.
Each week I share our company’s results (we’re transparent with the sales data, refunds, big accomplishments, and company failures) with all members of our team.
As of today, I have written over 588 issues of this team update newsletter and have NEVER missed a week in ten years. It’s very important for staff education, training, and purpose.
The framework of the newsletter has changed a tiny bit over the past decade. When I started writing it 10 years ago, I included 9 different sections. Today, there are 5 sections that I prepare each week.
Here are the different sections of my weekly newsletter:
- How ETR is doing (weekly revenue report)
- What ETR is doing next (promo plan)
- ETR Success Stories – Why we do what we do
- What Do YOU Think? (I ask team members for suggestions on problems or opportunities in the business)
- ETR Core Value in Action (This is where I tell a story about a team member, or someone famous, following one of ETR’s eight Core Values.)
Your update doesn’t need to be this extensive.
Mine is almost too long, but it’s because I like to write and share stories about others. The feedback I’ve received from team members has been positive. Additionally, I hire “A-Players” who bring incredible feedback to
You can keep it brief and start with sections 1, 2, and 4. You can also choose to do a VIDEO version instead. That’s probably faster for you, and your team might enjoy it more.
However, as of this week I’m on a streak of 588 newsletters so I can’t stop writing! Also, I need the practice.
What do you think about this idea for improving company culture? Is this something you could implement beginning this week?
If you’re not the owner or CEO of a company, but instead run a department – Could you do this with the employees on your team?