Heartbreaking and Heartwarming Stories

I couldn’t believe the news.
It’s gone. Burned to the ground. Wiped off the face of the Earth.
Isn’t it crazy how life turns out?
Let me explain…
Last Tuesday I wrote to you about how my mom and I (and Bally the Dog) went on a trip down memory lane to a nearby Farmer’s Market (she used to take me and my sister there each summer when we I was a kid). Our visit last week turned into a great day.
And I’m glad we went, because earlier this week the Farmer’s market sadly burned to the ground. It’s completely gone. Over $2 million in damages.
Now imagine the regret I’d have right now if I hadn’t taken my mom on that trip down memory lane last week.
But that’s what procrastination brings us…regrets.
Are you procrastinating on something in your life that you’ve wanted to do for a long time? Maybe you want to get back in shape, or finally lose that belly fat, or just re-gain some energy so you can play with your kids at night.
Don’t waste your chance. Don’t miss out on your last opportunity to change your body before the New Year.
Don’t regret anything.
Don’t hesitate.
Don’t wait.
Don’t miss out.
It’s never too late to change.
My friend Bedros Keuilian sent me a powerful email the other day, and I want to share a part of it with you. He wrote…
“Over the weekend something amazing happened…a 64 year old women by the name of Diana Nyad swam the 110 miles from Cuba to Florida.
She was the first person to do this without a shark cage, or any other source of protection from the elements. She swam 110 miles in 53 hours… after having failed at it three times over the span of 35 years (her first attempt was in 1977!).
Despite being stung by jelly fish, hungry, sleep deprived, and disoriented Diana Nyad walked onto the shore in Florida and shared these 3 messages:
“One is we should never, ever give up. Two is you never are too old to chase your dreams. Three is it looks like a solitary sport, but it takes a team.“
She believed in herself.
Do you?
If negative self talk in your head has stopped you from accomplishing your dreams, now is the time to change.
What are YOU waiting for?
Whatever it is that you want to accomplish is still there and ready for you…
…it’s just waiting for you to get out there and take it.
But you can’t do it if you’re just sitting in the stands watching the game go by. You’ve gotta get out of the stands, get onto the field and play the game.
Sure you might take some hits, fall a few times, and even bleed a little… or a lot – I’ve done both.
But I can tell you from first hand experience that your odds of getting what you want out of life significantly increase when you get out of the stands and onto the field.
I can also tell you that the level of personal satisfaction you’ll feel is the greatest achievement over whatever it is that you want to accomplish.
I believe in YOU.” – Bedros Keuilian
And I do too.
So here’s what you need to do.
1) Stop procrastinating.
2) Take action on your dreams.
3) Join the 18th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.
It’s perfect timing to go with your brand new TT fat burning follow-along workout videos and personal coaching available from me. These are the best workouts EVER because they overcome all excuses. They are only 30 minutes long, three times per week, and you can do them at home.
Get the new Turbulence Training workout videos <= Best workouts ever
Remember – The TT Transformation Contest is FREE (just like the awesome workout below).
All you have to do is use your favorite Turbulence Training workout to lose belly fat, gain more energy, and change your body, and you can win up to $1000 of my money.
Grab a newspaper today.
Take your before photo.
Start changing your body to finish 2013 strong.
Get the NEW Turbulence Training workout videos.
Transform your body over the next 12 weeks.
(And potentially win $1000 just for losing your belly fat!)
Listen, there are fewer than 120 days left in 2013, but you can still ACHIEVE amazing results.
Because if you don’t change now, then when will you?
There’s no better time than today.No more procrastinating.
No more heartbreak.
You CAN do it.
I believe in you,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Hurry.
The sale on my NEW and IMPROVED Turbulence Training workouts ends tomorrow.
And if you miss that, it will mean more regret and heartbreak.
Get the new Turbulence Training workout videos <= Best workouts ever
Get started today and save big bucks while changing your life quickly and easily.