How to 10X Your Success
I am impressed by this man, and I am NOT easily impressed. But he’s tearing it up right now, and it’s important for you to be exposed to what a true BIG THINKER does on a weekly basis.
If you want to take control of your life, read between the lines here and take notice of all the things this player is doing.
His name is Bedros Keuilian. He’s the owner of the fastest growing fitness franchise in America. He’s the best “selling-from-the-stage” guru and Mastermind leader in the industry. And when he takes action, he GSD’s on a Mach-5 level.
Check this out…
A 10X Update
From Bedros Keuilain
Last month I did a whirlwind 72 hour trip where I hit two major cities in two different countries.
It all started in Toronto, Canadia on Wednesday afternoon where the sassy Craig Ballantyne and I took his mom out for a nice steak dinner at Jacob’s Steakhouse for her birthday.
Mama Ballantyne is such a sweet woman!
The next day in Toronto, branding expert Stephanie Joanne and I ran a high performance mastermind for fitness pros who want to take their businesses from good to great by establishing domination in their respective fields of practice. BTW, Stephanie was one of our gurus at Fitness Business Summit.
The next morning I was off to the Inside Fitness Magazine headquarters for a photo shoot and interview for an upcoming article they’re doing on me. As much as I enjoyed giving the interview… I had all types of anxieties about the photo shoot part.
See, I’m not a photo shoot kinda guy and when the magazine commissions Arthur Arsenik, one of the top fitness photographers in the world to shooting you, it’s kinda intimidating.
Truth be told, Arthur made the whole thing relatively quick and painless for me.
Off To New York
That night, after the photo shoot and interview I flew out to NYC where the next morning I brought the thunder to over 600 martial arts business owners.
Now that’s my element… on stage teaching higher level marketing, domination mindset and high performance.
And as I write this email to you, I’m 33,000 feet up in the air flying back home to Southern California.
While those 72 hours were intense in travel, schedule and speaking demands it’s what gives me energy and drives my passion – which is to help people become high performing and disciplined entrepreneurs.
Teaching the secrets to becoming a high performing entrepreneur and market space domination is what’s “factory installed” for me.
It’s my purpose in life.
So I could do this stuff all day long and not feel drained, tired or rundown.
What I do for a living is like rocket fuel for me. It’s the 10X path to success.
It’s funny how doing what you love can give you so much energy and drive, right?
And that was the topic of my talk at the Martial Arts Business Summit – “How to Live Your Passion and Dominate Your Path.”
After my talk I got a standing ovation – that was a first.
Then I did the ol’ meeting, greeting and taking pictures with folks.
During the meet and greet, one man, who had been in the martial arts business for 42 years, came up to me and thanked me for speaking so passionately about discipline.
He said he found it ironic that the martial arts industry will preach discipline to their students from the time they are children, yet the teachers themselves get complacent, out of shape, and lose the fire in their belly.
He was right. And the reality is that the same thing happens in our industry, too.
Look around you.
Sure you’ve got your funnels set up and your building an email list and selling low barrier offers.
Sure, your business is doing better than it ever has.
But it’s not doing the best it could be.
You’re nowhere near hitting your full potential in impact or income.
You can still 10X your life!
You’re still competing with others training studios, boot camps, and cross training boxes and I know that’s frustrating you and stressing you out.
Why aren’t you dominating?
What’s stopping you from CRUSHING IT so hard that everyone in your community knows that you’re a force to be reckoned with?
Why haven’t you been able to create such a strong point of differentiation where everyone knows that you’re the absolute best at the type of training that you offer?
For most, it’s because the flames of passion have gotten snuffed out. Or maybe you’ve gotten complacent.
Maybe you’ve lost your clarity of purpose, vision and path.
I often get asked how it is that our Mastermind members seem to thrive, dominate, and grow to 6-figure online incomes so fast.
While I take great pride in the fact that our Mastermind members are the smartest, most generous people in the industry…
… I also know that they would not be dominating if not for the passionate and action taking they do after they hear our advice in the Mastermind meetings.
In fact, during our events we connect these Go-Givers with leaders in the industry, the best copywriters, FB ad experts, and 7-figure gurus… all who want to do business with THEM!
And that’s what makes them a TON of money and brings them the life of their dreams.
Listen, I’m a HUGE fan of making money and wealth creation because money is a vehicle to freedom and it sure does solve the problem of not having money.
And that leads me to the question I have for you…
If you want to make money, why are YOU not in the Mastermind? Why are you not out connecting with the gurus and Go-Givers in your niche market?
Why are you holding back?
Why are you not doing everything you can to 10X your life?
The world needs YOU now more than ever.
It’s time to step up.
It’s time to focus on giving your Unique Talents back to the world.
Change a life today – starting with yours.
If you’re ready, I want to see you at our next 1-Day Mastermind Meeting.
Click here to discover everything YOU will receive at this special event
We have events coming up in Las Vegas and London, England. We’re going GLOBAL to help you achieve the life of your dreams.
To your 10X moment,
Wow. Killer message.
I’m pumped for these next mastermind meetings and the energy that Bedros is going to bring.
Let’s make 2016 the best 10X year ever.
See you soon,
Craig Ballantyne