How To Create A Better Hook
Recently we were helping my dear friend and Certified Turbulence Trainer, Maureen Garry, with her hook and headline on her website here:
Here’s what she had originally:
*Revealed: The Simplest Breakthrough of 2014 for Losing 10+ Pounds While Eating Your Favorite Foods (ESPECIALLY if You’re Over 40)…And You’ll Do it in Only 28 Days*
My comments:
A 28-day Flat Belly Blueprint is a good hook.
Keep it that short and simple.
I recommend changing the headline too:
Amazing 28-Day Flat Belly Blueprint Shows You How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat While Still Eating All of Your Favorite Foods
Read this article for the 28-Day Flat Belly Blueprint breakthrough that helps you get a flat stomach while still eating all of your favorite foods
Attention Women with 10 or More Pounds to Lose:
Discover the 28-Day Flat Belly Blueprint That Gets You a Flat Stomach While Still Allowing All of Your Favorite Foods on this “Anti-Diet”
And don’t forget this advice from Bedros “I can’t spell but I can sell” Keuilian:
Whether your goal is to create a book or DVD (they still sell!) or online coaching program, the formula is the same. You must have…
What makes your program or product different than what’s out there now? Does it give faster results in just 14- or 21-days? Is it a blueprint? Are you delivering an online workshop? Do you have more success stories than everyone else? What is your BIG IDEA? This is the key to setting yourself apart in any market.
How will your program be delivered and used? Do you give them the videos all at once or “drip” the content over a period of time? Will you have a membership site with recurring payments or will this be a one time sale? Will you have up-sells in place? If so, what format will they be delivered in and what additional value will they add?
Like it or not, but without a well written sales letter, your product will never sell and affiliates will avoid promoting it.
Fortunately, writing sales copy is as easy as explaining to your mother why someone should buy your product.
Here’s a 4 step formula for crafting killer sales copy from my friend and multi-million dollar salesman, Bedros Keuilian…
A. Start with a benefit rich and specific results promising headline
B. Open your sales message with a story that creates desire and opens a loop (to be closed later in your sales message).
C. Craft your irresistible offer and back it up with facts and social proof.
D. Ask them to take action and give them a reason to (fear of loss, desire to gain, a sense of urgency).
Let me know how this helps,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Want Bedros and I to fix your headline?
We’ll be teaching you how to improve your hook, and even fixing a few in person, at our event. We’ll even write the copy for a couple of people…in front of your very eyes.