How Turbulence Training Saved One Man’s Life

Yes, I know, this sounds over-dramatic. And no, I’m not that egotistical…but please, read the letter below from Pastor Ewen. These are his words, not mine. It goes to show you how you can change your life if you take ACTION.
This is why we do what we do at Turbulence Training!
“I want to tell you my story and how you helped me in a very difficult process and time in my life. I am a United Church of Canada minister by profession. For a number of years I did not feel very good about myself. I did not even realize it till one day I looked in the mirror and realized I was fat. There is no getting around it I was fat. I am only 5′ 6″ and I had ballooned to nearly 200 pounds.
“I started biking and I got down to 175 pounds. That took work, but then I hit plateau. I kept biking, but I was depressed and nothing was working. I started to realize I had been an unhappy marriage for years. But I did not know it. Every night I would wake up thinking I was going to die.
“My wife left me and I was the talk of the community. The rumors and stories about me were unbelievable. I took my vacation and study leave and stayed with my mother. She was a saint and gave me the best advice to face my difficulties head on. She has always been there for me. I made the decision to get back in shape.
“I was searching the internet and found you by accident. There was something about you I liked. You were Canadian, eh. Yet, I thought you had an honest face and I liked your own story. So, I bought your eBook Turbulence Trainer. That was in June 2012 and in a matter of days I was on my way. I didn’t give up because I desired to change and you gave me the tools for success. Oh, I lost 27 pounds and now I am a healthy and fit 143-145 pounds. I am 47 and in the best shape ever. I feel fantastic. I use your workouts every week and I have progressed to be fit, stronger and healthier. Keep making your videos. I will be buying!
“By the way I do not wake up every night feeling if I am going to die. I got through my painful divorce. My daughter came to live with me permanently. Your workouts are part of my life and faith journey: mind, body and soul. Thanks Craig for helping to save my mind, my body and soul. If there is anything I could ever do for you let me know. Keep up the great work! You are a success!” – Pastor Ewen Moase
Want to change your life?
Use TT today <= Complete fat burning & life-changing system
It will change your life,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer