Before we get into today’s workout, I wanted to share with you one of our most popular TT FB posts ever!

Now over to the workout…
Alright, maybe it’s raining outside or you’re stuck in Wisconsin in the middle of a snowstorm so you can’t make it outside to do your intervals. Not to worry.
I’m going to give you a 4-minute EXTREME home cardio workout follow-along style that will get you a ripped beach body.
Here we go…
1. Full-body extensions (30 seconds)
2. Prisoner squat jumps (30 seconds)
3. Spiderman push-ups (30 seconds) or the hardest push-up you can do.
4. Burpees (30 seconds)
Repeat this circuit 1 more time, with no rest in-between, for the full 4 minutes.
Watch the workout video here for free
That’s it!
Stop wasting your time on long boring cardio on machines.
Do this instead!

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Some days I just want to quit.
I won’t, but man, some days…
So here’s what to do…
Stop procrastinating.
Take action.
Action is the only thing that makes struggles better.