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productivity tools

9 Free Business Productivity Tools For Startups

By Early To Rise | 06/24/2015

A list of the best free productivity tools for your start up, including,,,, and more.


23 Reasons Why You Will Always Be Poor

By Early To Rise | 06/24/2015

MSN Money: Many North Americans are clearly not experts at managing their own finances and end up broke month after month. The cycle of overspending leaves them poor, even if their income means they are considered well above the poverty line. A third of higher-income households — those that bring…


The One Thing We All Want to Know

By Rachel Macy Stafford | 06/24/2015

I recently attended an informational meeting for fifth grade parents at the middle school my daughter will be attending this fall. After swallowing the lump in my throat caused by the undeniable reality of why I was sitting there, I settled in to absorb everything the staff had to offer…


Addicted to Your Smartphone? 8 Ways to Break Free

By Early to Rise | 06/23/2015

Newsmax Constantly tethered to your smartphone? Experts are waving the red flag. While addition to your favorite portable gadget can be both hard to define and oddly socially acceptable, too much attention to tech can leave you drained and unable to concentrate. Here are eight ways to get your life…


The Most Colorful Places on Earth

By Early to Rise | 06/23/2015

msn travel LUOPING COUNTY, CHINA Once a year, China’s Luoping County transforms into a seemingly endless sea of yellow flowers. The bright fields of canola (the plants that make the cooking oil of the same name) bloom in February and March, giving the area of Yunnan an undeniably sunny feel…


The Only 5 Interview Questions That Really Matter and How to Answer Them

By Dr. Travis Bradberry | 06/23/2015

msn money Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook, describes his hiring process this way: I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work directly for that person. Zuckerberg’s comment illustrates an overlooked, yet fundamental, truth about hiring—people are ultimately looking for someone they want…


There Are Two Kinds Of People: Do You Recognize Yourself?

By Early To Rise | 06/18/2015

boredpanda People are diverse and complex creatures, but many differences between us can nonetheless be boiled down into a simple, binary distinction. Here’s a website dedicated to food enthusiasts, has done just that by creating a cute and simple series of infographics illustrating some of our favorite two-sided distinctions. No one’s…


The Most Extreme Jobs in the World

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

The Telegraph Commuting to a nine-to-five desk job isn’t for everyone. Here are some of the world’s most extreme jobs for people that like to pay the bills with a dash of adrenaline. The business software provider Your Trade Base created this infographic and the information is presented in this…


8 Reasons to Travel With Your Best Friend at Least Once in Your Life

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

Huffington Post: Solo travel is great, but sometimes you just wish someone could be there to experience everything with you. For reasons both silly and serious, conquering a journey with your best friend is one of the healthiest, powerful and most positive things you can do for your relationship. Here…


98 of the Best Things in Life That Money Can’t Buy

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

msn lifestyle As the saying goes, the best things in life are free. There are certain things in life where currency has no value, such as friends, family, and good memories. A priceless asset is something no amount of money could ever buy but that is probably valued more than…


Forget Skipping Coffee, Here’s How to Really Save Money

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

You’re probably not saving enough for your retirement. Check out this calculator, and see. If you’re young, you need to be putting away about 15 percent. If you’re older and haven’t been doing that, then you need to be saving even more to catch up. Maybe 20 percent. Maybe 25. Seriously,…


7 Signs You Will Be Fired Soon

By Early To Rise | 06/17/2015

Life Zap Infrequent restructuring and layoffs were the only things an employee could worry about in the past, but a lot has changed nowadays considering the tough economic times. For instance, companies are going through bankruptcies, non-stop downsizing and even the illusion of job security will soon be a thing…