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How to Be a Money Making Guru

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/27/2015

I recently interviewed my good friend and business partner Bedros Keuilian on how to turn professionals into money making gurus. You can listen to our full call here and read the interview transcript below. Craig:             Hey, this is Craig Ballantyne from, Financial Independence Monthly and of course…


5 Bodyweight Exercise Substitutions

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/24/2015

“Hey Craig, I can’t do __insert exercise here___!” <= That’s one of the most common complaints I get from my Monday free workout emails. I understand. Sometimes it’s a piece of equipment, othertimes it’s just one of my weird exercises that causes confusion. So today I want to give you…


What You Need to Know Today

By Nick Papple | 03/22/2015

Good evening, Early Risers!   Tech Apple unveils new Macbook. Why should you care? You shouldn’t, or at least you shouldn’t go out and buy it…Here’s why? Your old Macbook pro is salvageable. For less than $150 on Amazon you can buy a 256GB solid state drive and a cheap…


12-Minute Metabolic Makeover

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/16/2015

“Craig, I felt so different after my workout with you,” my new personal training client Mike said, “It was like I was still exercising for hours. My body temperature was elevated and my clothes got looser as the day went on. I love it. Whatever secrets you’re using, don’t stop!”…


How to make $4k per month online

By Craig Ballantyne | 03/11/2015

This is what you’ve been asking for… …because many readers have told me, “Craig, I want more REAL world success stories of people just like me that started from scratch and are now making a 2nd paycheck online. Stop bragging about your business and your friends like Joel Marion. That…

super rich

How The Super Rich Earned Their Money

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/10/2015

A breakdown of the 10 most wealthy people and the commonality between each of their businesses. Plus, four elements you need to get super rich fast.


A Question That Can Change Your Life

By Peter Bregman | 02/26/2015

For years I’ve exercised every day — doing weights, cardio, yoga — but despite my continuous effort, I haven’t seen much change. Until a few months ago. Recently, my body has changed. My muscles are stronger, more defined, and I’ve lost five pounds along with a visible layer of fat.…


2014 Toys for Tots Results and Celebration

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/28/2015

I know it’s been a month since Christmas, but you have to see and hear about this. Although you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait till you hear about what we have planned for the 2015 Toys for Tots weekend in Denver. It will be the biggest gathering of A-Players…


The Power and Importance of a Weekly Review

By Matt Heinz | 01/16/2015

Sunday night. You enjoy a great dinner, get the kids to bed, pour a nice little Scotch, and do this one big thing. It’s time for the single-most important thing I do all week to keep myself focused and productive: The weekly review. My process is based on the more extensive Weekly Review in…

The #1 Apprentice in The History of America

The #1 Apprentice in The History of America

By Craig Ballantyne | 01/12/2015

The most successful apprentice in the history of America was Ben Franklin, who only came to writing after a failed attempt in another industry.


5 Ways to Profit From Passion

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/20/2014

Relentless. That describes all of my millionaire friends, from Bedros Keuilian to Isabel De Los Rios to Joel Marion to Porter Stansberry. And do you know what drives them to be relentless? Their undying passion. This passion allows them to solve problems, and to profit from delivering valuable solutions to…

money mindset

How To Develop a Money Mindset

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/14/2014

Do you have the mindset of a natural-born moneymaker? Ask these questions to determine whether you have a money mindset, plus how to get one.