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A Business That Supports Your Life

By PJ McClure | 03/23/2011

Would you take your family, jump into the middle of the ocean, and then try to build a boat around everyone? Of course not. But that is the logic many people use when building a business. When I began seeking out and interviewing people I considered to be successful, I…


Overcome Any Obstacle

By Rich Schefren | 03/22/2011

What if I told you that whatever is holding you back… whatever barriers are preventing you from increasing your income… whatever obstacles are keeping you from achieving financial success… can be overcome simply by thinking differently? Now I know that this might not be what you are accustomed to hearing.…


How to Beat the Growth Stock Trap – and Get Guaranteed Income Now

By Christian Hill | 03/21/2011

Need more income? Join the crowd. Scads of folks are scouring the landscape for decent income investments to beef up their monthly take home – especially now, with gas and other everyday items skyrocketing. Thing is, with Bernanke & Co. printing money like there’s no tomorrow, the returns on bonds,…


The Most Important Thing I Ever Learned About Living Rich

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/19/2011

The most important thing I ever learned about “living rich” was taught to me by a former rich guy who dropped out of the moneymaking game to study Chinese philosophy and teach Tai Chi.


Do You Step Up or Back Down?

By Bob Cox | 03/18/2011

Let me ask you: Have you ever made a decision that didn’t work as planned? Has anyone ever let you down? Has recent economic news put a damper on your perspective? It may be painful to bring those things to mind, but I’m asking you to do it for a…


The Language Perfectionist: A Caucus of Confusables

By Don Hauptman | 03/18/2011

It’s time once again to set the record straight on pairs of words that are commonly confused. Here are examples from print and online sources: “The number had been cut before the premier of the film.” A gala event is a premiere. The adjective meaning first is premier. “Mr. Heiberger…

bamboo story

Why I Hate the Bamboo Story

By Noah St. John | 03/17/2011

If you’ve been to a “motivational” seminar or heard someone talk about success in, say, the last 10 years, you’ve probably heard the “Bamboo Story.”


Here’s How the Soup Is Made

By Christian Hill | 03/15/2011

Yesterday, I talked about why inflation and rising interest rates are pretty much a “sure thing” because of all the “new money” the Fed created through its quantitative easing programs.


When Will Inflation Hit?

By Christian Hill | 03/14/2011

I don’t think there is ever a “sure thing” in the investment world. But I have found one that comes as close to it as possible. And I expect it to generate a serious profit, perhaps as much as 50%, in the next 2 years. But it could go much…


How to Achieve Growth and Profitability

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/12/2011

Bonn, Germany. Dead of winter, 1996. The meeting began at 8:00 a.m.


The Language Perfectionist: Two for One

By Don Hauptman | 03/11/2011

I’ve observed a strange phenomenon in my reading lately: words that are improperly divided in two. I hope it’s not a trend. The following examples are taken from major newspapers and online searches: “While Mr. Assange is basking in his new found fame, there is no reason to believe he…


3 Simple Sales Copy Tips

By Lesa Gutenkunst | 03/10/2011

Before we get into today’s lesson on top copywriting tips, there’s a Politically Incorrect Truth that you need to know about getting more traffic (as that was the #1 concern voiced in our survey this week). Traffic really isn’t any good unless you have copy that converts. And if you…