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Bodyweight Exercise

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Bodyweight Exercise

Copycatting Is a Good Thing

By Brian Edmondson | 04/4/2011

“So far, my website is pretty much identical to the Early to Rise site,” PG told me. PG is one of my coaching students. I had just asked him to tell me about the progress he was making with his online business. He had a sign-up box on the top…


Double Your Personal Power

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/2/2011

In any organization, power moves inexorably to those who speak well. By well, I don’t mean eloquently. I mean persuasively. There is an art and a skill to persuading people to accept your ideas.


The Language Perfectionist: Amusing April Acronyms

By Don Hauptman | 04/1/2011

A few months ago, I wrote a serious column about acronyms. Now April Fools’ Day provides an appropriate occasion to explore the humorous possibilities of acronyms and initialisms. You say you didn’t know that abbreviations can be funny? Sure you do! This is a phenomenon that everyone has encountered or…


Profit Opportunity: The Baby Boomers’ Last Spending Spree

By Christian Hill | 04/1/2011

Don’t even try to guess what the next big winner will be in the health care sector. Nobody knows which pharmaceutical company will come up with a blockbuster drug. Or which insurance company will benefit most from the new health care bill. But you can make big profits by betting…


Health Care for the Next 20 Years

By Christian Hill | 03/31/2011

One of the major ways for investors to make money over the next 20 years will be in the health care sector. The reason can be summed up in two words: baby boomers. At 75 million strong, they will be spending an unprecedented amount of money on health care as…


The Road to Millions Is Paved With Hard Work

By Harvey Mackay | 03/29/2011

The game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? is a suspenseful half-hour that offers contestants the opportunity to dramatically improve their financial picture.


The “Sticky Business” Factor

By Marc Charles | 03/28/2011

Have you ever been involved in a “sticky” business? “Sticky” businesses trap you with endless tentacles, paperwork, overhead costs, and lots of government red tape.


Where Do We Go From Here?

By Christian Hill | 03/24/2011

Is the biggest question on your mind “Are we in a bubble?” or “When will the ride come to an end?” We recently passed the two-year anniversary of the market hitting Great Recession lows. The Dow is up 84%. The S&P is 92% higher. And the NASDAQ has climbed a…


A Business That Supports Your Life

By PJ McClure | 03/23/2011

Would you take your family, jump into the middle of the ocean, and then try to build a boat around everyone? Of course not. But that is the logic many people use when building a business. When I began seeking out and interviewing people I considered to be successful, I…


Overcome Any Obstacle

By Rich Schefren | 03/22/2011

What if I told you that whatever is holding you back… whatever barriers are preventing you from increasing your income… whatever obstacles are keeping you from achieving financial success… can be overcome simply by thinking differently? Now I know that this might not be what you are accustomed to hearing.…


How to Beat the Growth Stock Trap – and Get Guaranteed Income Now

By Christian Hill | 03/21/2011

Need more income? Join the crowd. Scads of folks are scouring the landscape for decent income investments to beef up their monthly take home – especially now, with gas and other everyday items skyrocketing. Thing is, with Bernanke & Co. printing money like there’s no tomorrow, the returns on bonds,…


The Most Important Thing I Ever Learned About Living Rich

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/19/2011

The most important thing I ever learned about “living rich” was taught to me by a former rich guy who dropped out of the moneymaking game to study Chinese philosophy and teach Tai Chi.