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Bodyweight Exercise

Recent posts related to

Bodyweight Exercise

Making Your Transformation Changes Stick

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/6/2010

We’re back with the winner of the 2nd TT Transformation Contest, Catherine Gordon. We learned in part 4 one of the keys to Catherine’s success was having a solid support circle around her. It may seem pretty insignificant, but you’ll understand just how important that social support is the next…


We’re Off With a Bang!

By Laura Rodini | 08/6/2010

We’re off with a bang!

We just started sending out invitations to our November Info-Marketing Bootcamp, and our entire office is already counting down the days.

This is the biggest event we hold all year. In fact, many people in the info-marketing business view this as our industry’s “flagship” conference.


Less Is More

By Peter Fogel | 08/5/2010

Whether you’re a professional public speaker or someone occasionally called upon to speak at company meetings… or to prospective clients… you want to make sure your audience quickly “gets” your message.


The Language Perfectionist: Time to Go Retro

By Don Hauptman | 08/5/2010

Have you ever encountered the word retronym? Whatever your answer, I can guarantee that you’ve heard and read and used retronyms. Here’s the story… Once upon a time, only one type of guitar existed. When the electric guitar was invented, a term was needed to differentiate it from the original…


The Key To A Complete Transformation

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/3/2010

Yesterday, the second ever TT Transformation Contest winner shared with us one very valuable tip for losing weight. So if you missed it, then head back to read up on her her fat loss food pyramid. In today’s interview excerpt with fat loss inspiration, Catherine Gordon, we learn not only…


Afformations: The New Affirmations

By Noah St. John | 08/3/2010

You’ve been told to use “affirmations” like “I am rich” that actually leave you more frustrated than before. So try “afformations” instead.


The Fat Loss Food Pyramid

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/2/2010

We’re back with part 2 of my interview with the 2nd TT Transformation Contest winner, Catherine Gordon. Catherine quickly went from being mistaken for her son’s grandmother to his lean and sexy mom by simply following a healthy diet and the TT workouts. If you missed the intro to this…


24 Times the ROI of Government Bonds

By Andrew Gordon | 08/2/2010

Today, I’m going to tell you about the safest investment you can make — in a sector with government-backed profits generating amazing returns for shareholders…


The Importance of Motivation in Your Business

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/31/2010

I was once characterized by a book reviewer as a “motivational writer.” Apparently he felt that this moniker debased me. It didn’t.


5 Days’ Superstars

By Laura Rodini | 07/30/2010

I want to tell you about something a lot of people would find really boring…

Until you had to live without it.

It’s a completely invisible “Alpha Metal” found in everything from car engines, pipelines, air tanks, power tools… even your kitchen sink!


The Winning Mindset for Fat Loss

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/30/2010

There are few sources of inspiration that work better in motivating you into action than to read the transformation success stories of people just like you,  people who were once faced with similar struggles that you’re up against now. So, today, and over the next few days I’ll be sharing…


The Death of Direct Mail

By Drayton Bird | 07/29/2010

A while back, my Australian partner Malcolm Auld sent me a piece by a marketing expert named Tom Evans, which stated that “direct mail for customer acquisition is dead.” You should still put your money into direct marketing, said Tom — but do it online.