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Internet Business

Recent posts related to

Internet Business

Coffee Ain’t So Bad After All!

By Dr. Jonny Bowden | 03/20/2008

People who already drink a lot of coffee don’t have to feel ‘guilty’ as long as coffee does not affect their daily life.

event promotion

How to Grow an Event-Promotion Business

By Paul Lawrence | 02/14/2008

You can start an event promotion business for as little as $100, and it can make thousands in a single night, while offering opportunities for expansion.


The Trouble With Cold-Calling

By Bob Bly | 02/13/2008

I won’t deny that cold-calling can work. Yet in 99 out of 100 cases, my advice is never to do it.


The Most Important Part of Marketing

By Bob Bly | 01/29/2008

The “most important” part of marketing will have the greatest effect on sales, and it’s not the copy, the offer, or the budget.


Dear ETR: “I would like to expand my business and create a website”

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/25/2008

Dear ETR: “I would like to expand my business and create a website.” “Michael, I am one of many who have read your e-letter from the beginning. I listened to your advice and started a very small business that brings in a small amount of money. Now I would like…


A Powerful Persuasion Tool That’s as Simple as “Imagine This…”

By Larry Fredericks | 12/27/2007

When you know how to create the kind of image that will get an emotional response from your prospect… and you get that prospect to accept the image as a potential reality… you will have no trouble at all persuading him to do what you want.

real estate

How to Spot Undervalued and Overvalued Real Estate Markets

By Justin Ford | 12/11/2007

The best value and growth markets tend to have the following characteristics, which can help you spot real estate markets best for investing in.

Getting Debtors to Pay

6 Secrets to Getting Debtors to Pay Up

By Paul Lawrence | 11/3/2007

I discovered that collecting money from debtors is really just a form of salesmanship. Here are my proven strategies that I’ve used for decades.

buy apartments

How to Buy Apartments With No Money Down

By Dave Lindahl | 10/16/2007

When I started investing in apartments, I didn’t have a job. Now I’ll teach you how to buy apartments and gain a fortune the way I did.


How to Build Instant Rapport for Real Estate Success

By Bill Twyford | 10/2/2007

Whether you’re a doctor, a real estate investor, or work in a fast-food restaurant, the way you communicate has a strong influence on people’s first impressions – good or bad.

doubling your money

5 Secrets to Doubling Your Money Every 3 Years

By Michael Masterson | 07/24/2007

The absolute fastest way to doubling your money every 3 years is to start a small business. Here are 5 secrets that will make this feasible.


Enjoying a Great Retirement

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/25/2007

Chances are, your actual retirement will look quite different from the way you imagine it.