Quick Little Keyword Tips
Yesterday I told you about setting up your site for free traffic, and a little bit about choosing your domain name. Today I want to share some more quick little tips given to me from my SEO expert, Rick Porter.
Whenever possible, keep your keyword at the front of your domain name.
It takes more SEO work and maintenance to rank a keyword if there are other words in front of the keyword.
For example, let’s say you’re in the Florida foreclosure real estate market, and you have a site named:
It will be a real pain in the ‘butt’ to get and keep a #1 ranking because of the word “Find” on the front.
I see a lot of people trying to use that strategy, putting the words “Buy”, “Try” or “Get” at the front of their domain name. But it’s not the best strategy.
Whenever possible, keep the keyword at the front and try not to make the domain too long (think keyword density).
But how do you even choose the right keywords?
Well, you can do it for free with Google’s external keyword tool here:
=> https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
Although more serious Internet Marketers all tend to use a software product called “Market Samurai”.
Basically, you run your keyword ideas through Market Samurai and it gives a keyword suggested list. (But it costs money, and you really won’t need it unless you are building a lot of websites and entering a lot of niche markets.)
Then you can look at the traffic and competition for those keywords and it will give you some ideas on what to focus on.
That is, it will help you identify keywords that still get a fair amount of traffic but might not have a lot of competition. Essentially, it helps you outline a plan of attack for your SEO.
Once you’ve chosen the keyword you’re going to go after, you’ll use that in your website domain name and you’ll make sure you use the keyword in your title bar and in your homepage description.
Plus, you’ll optimize your page for that keyword, and then you’ll want to get backlinks to your site with your keyword in the anchor text.
Finally, you’ll want to create internal pages with content featuring that keyword and linking back to your homepage with the keyword in your anchor text.
What I’ve described here is “fine tuning” your SEO machine.
But the most important actions you need to take are:
1) Choosing the right keywords and domain name at the start
2) Creating remarkable content
3) Getting lots of high-quality backlinks to your site
More about those steps soon.
Start right to finish first,
Craig Ballantyne
All the planning in the world is useless if you don’t follow through. You must become a robotic action taker. You must be ruthless with your time. When it’s time to work, work without distraction. When it’s time for family, be with your family without distraction. Set the rules for your life and work the system so that everyone else follows them too.