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9 Things You’re Doing Wrong in Your Bedroom

By Early To Rise | 08/17/2015

Empty walls, bright bedding, and keeping your phone nearby are big no-nos.


5 Ways to Improve Your Children

By Dr. Joanne Stern | 08/14/2015

Last month, I shared with you five important ways you can nurture your children throughout their lives and help them feel good about themselves while also strengthening the family bonds. This month we will continue with five more nurturing acts that affect your children. Every morning Curt met his dad for coffee before they each went into…


The Science Of Why You Should Spend Your Money On Experiences, Not Things

By Early To Rise | 08/11/2015

co.Exist Most people are in the pursuit of happiness. There are economists who think happiness is the best indicator of the health of a society. We know that money can make you happier, though after your basic needs are met, it doesn’t make you that much happier. But one of…


55 Ways I’m More Committed To Self-Sabotage Than Self-Improvement

By Early To Rise | 08/11/2015

ELITE DAILY The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. The first time I heard these words come out my dad’s mouth, I was four. My dad’s not the cliché type; he’s not a philosopher nor a counselor. He never quotes…


Never Take a Vacation Again

By Ryan Murdock | 08/10/2015

“You lucky jerk — you must go swimming all the time!” “Well, that would be nice, but…” “What do you mean? How many times did you go this year? Be honest, I won’t get too jealous.” “I think two…” “But the beach is 5 minutes from your place! What the heck…


Five No-Brainer Strategies to Work Less and Travel More

By Early To Rise | 07/30/2015

AKA The Corporate Misfit’s Incremental Guide to Freedom Quitting your job without some kind of game-plan might sound exciting to some, but for others it brings on palpitations and hives. The perfect solution for you exists somewhere along a sliding scale where risk is directly proportionate to the degree of…


7 Signs Your Marriage Has Changed

By Early To Rise | 07/27/2015

MSN Lifestyle: CONTENT COUPLE There’s an upside to getting old, I recently discovered. Staring at my computer has left me blind like a mole, so my wife, Karel, is forced to do most of our night driving. I’m one set of chunky prescription sunglasses away from looking like my grandpa.…


Nurturing Your Adult Children

By Dr. Joanne Stern | 07/17/2015

As Carter was packing up to leave his parents’ house after a weeklong visit with his wife and kids, his mom called to him from the kitchen. “Are you sure you checked your room to make sure you didn’t forget anything? You always leave something behind.” From the bedroom Carter rolled his…


5 Strategies To Deal With A Horrible Co-Worker

By Early To Rise | 06/29/2015

Careerealism: Warning! horrible co-worker ahead! Every work place has one. That absolutely impossible, difficult, nasty, backbiting individual who makes it his/her personal mission in life to belittle everyone else and make their life a living hell. Usually, people like this are also extremely manipulative and good at managing both HR and their…


What You Need to Know Today: June 26

By Nick Papple | 06/26/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know today Tech Who’d win in a fight? If Gordon Gekko and Mark Zuckerberg went toe to toe, I’d pick Gekko 9/1. But if Gekko represents Wall Street and Zuckerberg Silicon Valley, the odds swing in favor of the Zuck…at least according…


Why Our Kids Should Take Risks

By Bruce Sallan | 06/26/2015

Yes, we should encourage our kids to take risks. Of course I don’t mean foolish or dangerous risks, but those that will help them succeed in life. In our contemporary world, it’s the risk-takers who will succeed. Too many kids feel entitled, have been pampered or helicoptered, and the idea…


The One Thing We All Want to Know

By Rachel Macy Stafford | 06/24/2015

I recently attended an informational meeting for fifth grade parents at the middle school my daughter will be attending this fall. After swallowing the lump in my throat caused by the undeniable reality of why I was sitting there, I settled in to absorb everything the staff had to offer…