Why Self-Help is Mostly Shelf-Help
Americans spend over $11 Billion a year on “self-help” products. But I call it Shelf-Help — because that’s where most of it goes… on the shelf, along with all the other stuff you’ve bought. If you’re like most of my clients, you’ve spent anywhere from $5000 to $50,000 in the…
READ MOREWhy Your Network is Your Net Worth
I lived in Manhattan for more than seven years, and on any given day I typically went to the same deli, the same coffee shop, the same ATM, and walked the same route to my office.. We’ve all been there, complacent in our comfort zone. What would have happened if…
READ MORE3 Steps to De-Clutter Your Life
For several years, in locations all over the world, I lived out of a backpack for months at a time. I’ve travelled on deep desert expeditions into the Sahara, the Mongolian desert, and other wastelands where my personal baggage was severely restricted because we had to carry so much petrol…
READ MOREDiscovering the Secrets of Life From “Pint-Sized” Teachers
I’m probably the only former-church-organist to grace the pages of Early To Rise. Let me tell you how I got here. My goal as a young man was to be a church organist playing in some beautiful church somewhere that wanted nothing but the highest level of musical offering for…
READ MOREWhy Looking Out for Number One Is Noble
Over the years, I’ve taken a lot of flak — especially from the media — for the title of my New York Times #1 bestseller Looking Out for #1. As near as I’ve been able to tell, however, those who have been the most offended by the title never took…
READ MOREHow to Beat the Best
It’s always good to get a compliment. When I rewrote the lead for a promotion that “GX”, a successful copywriter, had been paid to write for one of my clients a few years ago, I felt good about my revision. The sales copy GX had sent in was standard, run-of-the-mill…
READ MOREWhy You Should Write Daily
One of the most instrumental changes in my life has been writing every single day. For many years I was a writer who didn’t write that regularly. It was always on the back of my mind to write, but I didn’t find the time. Then I started my blog in…
READ MOREWhat I Would Do If I Were a Young Person Today
(NOTE: By young, I’m referring to anyone with a pulse and that still wants to add value to the world. This advice truly knows no age limits.) I’m a lucky man. I was born at the right time in the right place to the right parents under the right circumstances.…
READ MOREWhy You Should Run Away
One of the more instructive experiences of my life occurred when was when I was a teenager, barely sixteen years old. My dad, whom I had previously considered to be incredibly over-protective, put me on a cross-country bus and sent me, alone, to visit my grandmother, some two thousand miles…
READ MOREThe Top Five Regrets in Life
Once we are no longer young – and therefore no longer immortal – most of us spend at least some time trying to figure out how best to live, so that when the time comes to die we can do so without regrets. For this important task, we have two…
READ MOREHow to Stand Out and Dominate Your Competitive Market
As we went up for the last and final drop, I felt the grip on my hand tighten up like a vice. A second later we dropped fourteen stories straight to the bottom. It was an epic moment and one that I’ll never forget. This was the first time that…
READ MOREThe Power of “Magic Time” for Stressed Out Working Parents
I was a mess: a stressed out, unhealthy time bomb just waiting to explode. As the family’s sole breadwinner, I let my responsibility to provide for my husband and 2-year-old son weigh too heavily on my shoulders. Simply loving your job doesn’t always translate to a stress-free existence, especially when…