How to Deal With Fear
I was about seven years old the first time I remember being scared to death. I was sitting in the school cafeteria with my friend Daryl eating lunch. I’m pretty sure I was eating peanut butter and jelly, unless it was during one of those “healthy” periods when my mom…
READ MOREMy Near Death Experience
There I was, out on an innocent dog walk, when I came about 50 feet (or what felt like a lot less) from death. It was one of those weird “sunny-rainy-snowy-back-to-sunny” days that only April can deliver. Around 4 p.m. the weather seemed fine, and so it was time to…
READ MOREThe Truth About Positive Thinking
When my sons were growing up, I dreaded meeting with their teachers. I was always a tiny bit afraid that somewhere in the middle of the conversation the teacher would lean forward, grab my ear, and chastise me. This may be an irrational fear, but it is deeply seeded. It…
READ MOREGet More From Less
Does this sound familiar? You hit the ground running at 6 a.m. (almost literally) and you don’t stop until midnight. That’s the prototypical busy executive’s schedule these days. And it’s virtually all wrong. Up at 6 a.m., they drag themselves out of bed to hit the road for an hour…
READ MOREMy 7 Step Success Formula
I just finished my morning meditation session. This marks the 87th day in a row that I’ve meditated for at least 10 minutes. I started meditating to bring more calm, focus and patience into my life. It wasn’t easy. I almost quit – several times – during the first few…
READ MOREThe Power of Five
“You’re crazy. I am still sleeping at 7:30! Why would you set up a daily meeting that early?” Ted said. “You’re the president of the company… Why don’t you do it on your schedule?” Ted’s reaction is not an unusual one when I mentioned to colleagues that I had a…
READ MOREAvoiding the Dark Side of Your Mind
Last week, I found myself at a swanky nightclub in New York City (don’t’ worry, I was home by 11pm!). I also found myself surrounded by prosperity. There were over 400 people on hand, including celebrity authors (like Tim Ferriss), some of the world’s top fitness experts, and dear friends…
READ MOREThe Art of Getting What You Want
A few years ago, I was in Aspen for a Maverick Business Adventures experience. Along with high-level networking and business coaching, we also enjoyed whitewater rafting, rock climbing, rappelling, mountain biking, and an intense Jeep 4×4 tour to the top of a local mountain that ended in a breathtaking view.…
READ MOREIs This Your Life?
You wake up. For one brief moment, after you rub the sleepiness from your eyes, you smile at the thought of a new day. But then reality hits you. Your mind jumps from worry to worry. There are bills to pay, deadlines to meet, and conflicts to solve. Suddenly, you…
READ MOREFix Your Kids and Your Career
Warren Buffett recently chose his son Howard to succeed him as chairman of Berkshire Hathaway. You may wonder if the world’s richest investor picked his son out of nepotism or sloth. He didn’t. In fact, he had a very good reason. Howard Buffett, is a farmer and philanthropist and has…
READ MORETo Get What You Want
I recently started reading a long lost sales manual called, “The Secret of Selling Anything”. It went unpublished for decades before the author’s widow uncovered the manuscript. It’s a good thing she did, because the information is priceless. In this book, author Harry Browne explains that in order to get…
READ MOREThe Missing Ingredient in a Meaningful Life
Happiness has been defined in myriad ways over the centuries by some of the world’s greatest thinkers. Aristotle described happiness as a condition rather than a destination. Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to it as a journey. But I think Viktor Frankl got to the heart of the matter even better…