Building Better Belief Systems
“Appearances can be deceiving. Truth is, they nearly always are.” – Pindar (mentor) to Joe (protégé) in The Go-Giver. Why is it so often the case that, what we’re absolutely sure we know turns out to be wrong? Because, as human beings, we make decisions and judgments (both minor and…
READ MOREPay Up and Get Out
One of the best pieces of lifestyle advice I’ve ever read was in Harry Browne’s book “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.” It’s also the best way I know of to make a change. Harry wrote, “Pay the price to get out of your boxes.” “Boxes” can come…
READ MORECommunication is Your Responsibility – Not Theirs
Both the look of annoyance on my face as well as the pounding, steady rain outside on that dark and dreary afternoon perfectly represented how I felt. It was nearly 30 years ago, after an appointment with a prospect, in one of my first sales jobs…yet, I remember it almost…
READ MOREYour Ethical Obligation
Contrary to what you may think, the secret to getting more clients is not MORE marketing. More marketing = more leads and prospects… …and that’s assuming that your marketing works. But that doesn’t mean that those leads and prospects are going to become paying clients. The only thing that has…
READ MOREThe Truth About Your Value
“Money is an echo of value; it’s the thunder to value’s lightning.” Most people intuitively understand this very basic characteristic of Free-Market Capitalism; that we are rewarded for providing value. The key is understanding that the value comes first. The money is simply a natural and direct result of the…
READ MOREAchieve More With Help From This One Person
A man looks back on his life and says, “I wish I knew then what I know now.” It can take a decade or more to become the successful person you want to be, but you can shorten your learning curve – even drastically curtail it – by using a…
READ MOREHow to Demand More Money – and Get It
Over a decade ago, when I first left graduate school with my Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from McMaster University’s School of Human Biodynamics, I worked a J-O-B in the nutritional sciences industry. The pay was good for a young, single man living in the big city, and I enjoyed…
READ MOREHow to Fix Work Stress
It’s simple, but takes practice.
READ MOREThe One Person You Need in Your Life
Every week I hear from personal trainers looking for career advice. “What is the most important thing for me to do if I want to become the best trainer possible?” they ask. Without hesitation, I always reply, “Get a mentor.” Having a coach or a mentor has always led to…
READ MOREBook of the Year
“It’s a really great book,” my friend Rich told me at breakfast. We were sitting in the Cascades restaurant at the Opryland Hotel at a recent marketing seminar, and Rich was describing a recent family-bonding event he had been on with his brother and nephews. At the event, held on…
READ MOREBetter Than Networking
“You’re so lucky Steve… you’ve gotten to meet and work with all these famous guys…” When I hear that, I usually say something like, “Yeah, it’s hard to believe… I have been pretty fortunate!” and I leave it at that. But the truth is much different… It’s NOT luck. It’s…
READ MOREWhy You Already Have Enough
Have you said thank you to someone to show how grateful you are for them today? It’s such a small thing, but it can have a huge impact on your life, and the life of that person. Find little ways to incorporate gratitude in your life, and you’ll be much…