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How to Change Your Life with Thanksgiving

By Leo Babauta | 11/22/2012

It’s amazing how one simple, easy, positive action can change so much in a person’s life. One of the things that has had the biggest effect on my life is the realization of the power of gratitude. Simply giving thanks. It has affected everything. It has made me a more…


The Three Mega-Skills in Life

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/7/2012

Today, I’d like to talk about the most important skills we need to be successful in life. I’ve been thinking about this subject for several decades. I hope that what I’m about to say will be helpful to you. The Three Mega-skills: Thinking, Writing, and Speaking I’ve identified about a…


How to Avoid This Fate

By Alex Green | 11/2/2012

At a conference in Las Vegas a couple months ago, I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Dr. Joel Wade, a psychotherapist who has dedicated his career to discovering what it means to live well.  As a life coach, his practice is about helping people create and embody…


The Morning of My Heart Attack

By Bedros Keuilian | 10/25/2012

The morning of my heart attack took place about seven months ago. It started off like any other day; I had no clue what I was in for over the coming hour. It was my typical morning routine: shower, protein shake, write up an email broadcast and say good bye…


Truth About Partnerships

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/23/2012

Recently in our Virtual Mastermind group for online business owners we have witnessed a couple of great example of partnerships gone right. When you get two positive people teamed up with a commitment to add value to the world, then everyone wins. But… Partnerships are tricky things. In the past…


How to Apologize

By Dr. Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D. | 10/17/2012

Over the weekend, a friend and I got into a little “discussion.”  You may see it as an argument.  But as modern times would have it, the whole discussion happened by text. (Yes, professionals do still have disagreements.  And yes, sometimes we also make the mistake of texting it.) The…


The Best Thing You Can Do For Others

By Craig Ballantyne | 10/15/2012

In a period of just four days we had been all over the Eastern side of Germany. Our travels had taken us on a car racing adventure at Porsche in Leipzig, and then Oktoberfest celebrations in Munich, followed by more driving skill training at a secret BMW test track in…


How to Make a Big Decision

By Mark Morgan Ford | 09/27/2012

Number Three Son had narrowed down his summer internship choices to two. But he was stuck. Where should he go? The office in Mumbai or the one in Melbourne? Each had its benefits and drawbacks. India was more exotic, but Australia was more familiar. India might offer him more challenges,…


The Three Nicest Words Anyone Has Ever Said to Me

By Craig Ballantyne | 09/21/2012

The three nicest words I’ve ever heard weren’t “I love you,” or “You are inspirational,” but something much more simple and yet powerful.


How To Make Dreams Come True

By Dr. Sandeep Sohal | 09/6/2012

When you believe that you control your destiny, that’s when the real thought experiment begins.  That’s when you are ready to ask yourself the deep, penetrating questions that truly matter. These might include: How have you become who you are today? What is it that you visualize yourself to be?…


The Chair

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/20/2012

The chair is where my father sat, On sunny summer days, Beer in hand, shirt undone, The paper had his gaze. The grass was never greener, Than in my memory, The shade was always coolest, On the days he sat with me. The Willow tree kept him in comfort, It…


Your Network Is Your Net Worth

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/16/2012

There must have been enough food for an entire army. His team had filled jar upon jar with roasted nuts, chocolate covered almonds, and trail mix. There were a dozen bags of chips, and more candy was overflowing from the kitchen. Plus, he had a professional catering company on-site to…