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Do All That You Say You Will Do… And More

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/12/2012

My mother is not the type to get upset (that was my father’s forte). But I could sense the irritation in her voice when I asked, “How’s your new house coming along?” It had been over three weeks since I last visited the farm, and, unfortunately, there had been practically…


Starting from Scratch

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/29/2012

She’s starting from scratch out on the farm. After 40-plus up-and-down years, my mom has sold the farmhouse, most of the land, and she is moving half-a-mile away to a brand new home. Over the past seven months, she’s been busy looking at designs, picking out materials, and working with…


Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Strangers

By Jonathan Fields | 06/14/2012

They don’t want to admit it, but a lot of working dads don’t want to be around their kids… That sounds so horrible. And, in fact, it’s incredibly sad. Because, for many, the solution is a lot closer than believed, once you step back and take the time to see…


What Do You Mean, Life Isn’t Fair?

By Susan Fujii | 05/23/2012

“What do you mean, ‘it’s not going to be fair’, Mom?” my eldest daughter asked. That weekend we hosted an Easter egg hunt and champagne brunch for several of our close friends and their children. My eldest Kung Fu Kid was so excited to have her friends come over, and…


Lifestyle Design With Six Kids

By Jason Leister | 05/17/2012

When I first read Tim Ferriss’ book, The 4-Hour Workweek, I was pretty sucked in. Who wouldn’t want to work for only 4 hours a week? As it turns out, I wouldn’t. I derive a lot of meaning and pleasure from working hard. For me, creating something and sharing it…


How to Find Good Employees

By Alwyn Cosgrove | 05/15/2012

As a business consultant, one of the most common questions I am asked is, “What’s the best way to find good employees?”. I work with many successful solo-preneurs who are hitting that stage where it is time to grow their business, and that means bringing on key employees. For many…


The Power of Delight

By Jonathan Fields | 05/3/2012

What if we were doing it all wrong? According to my genius friend and founder of Riddle & Co., Jeff Riddle, businesses are going about growth all wrong. They spend every waking hour and huge line items in their budgets on customer acquisition. Then, once a prospect becomes a customer,…


When No One Else Believes in You

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/9/2012

The year was 1999 and things were not going according to my mother’s plan. Her only son was still in University (that’s what we call ‘college’ in Canada) at the age of 24 and when he spent the summers at home working in a factory to pay for his schooling,…


How to Deal With Manipulative People – Part Two

By Ryan Murdock | 03/30/2012

If you encounter the behavior of manipulative people, be prepared with these response tips that will eliminate the negative effects.

Manipulative People

How to Deal With Manipulative People – Part One

By Ryan Murdock | 03/29/2012

How to spot certain kinds of manipulative people both at work and at home, by looking for these common habits and traits that detract from your success.


The Ultimate Secret of the Rich

By Bill Bonner | 02/15/2012

What separates the rich from the rest of us? “They have more money,” said Hemingway. But how did they get it? How do they hold onto it? That’s a bit more complicated. I recently drove through a working class neighborhood in Baltimore called Dundalk. It is an area of simple…


The Vision for Your Family

By Bill Bonner | 02/7/2012

I want to let you in on what I believe is one of the most intriguing investment stories ever told. The story of how the world’s wealthiest families have held onto their wealth over hundreds of years. There are a lot of families. And there are a lot of rich…