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A Highly Profitable, Laughably Simple Lesson From the Great Depression

By Drayton Bird | 03/24/2010

I have a daughter in Montclair, New Jersey — hometown of the inimitable Yogi Berra. As a result, I have made a bit of a study of his remarks, and one of my favorites is, “You can observe a lot just by looking.” Well, one thing I have observed a…


Why Positive Thinking Is Bad for You

By Dr. Srikumar Rao | 03/23/2010

The “power of positive thinking” is so firmly enshrined in our culture that knocking it is a little like attacking motherhood or apple pie. Many people swear by positive thinking, and quite a few have been helped by it. Nevertheless, it is not a very effective success tool — and…


The Right Way to Ask For, and Get, Referrals

By Pete Savage | 03/9/2010

Asking a client for a referral is no big deal. Provided the timing is right, there’s no reason to worry that you’ll look pushy, presumptuous, or out of place. To boost your chances of success, however, it’s important to know just how to ask.


Don’t Take a Chance on Luck

By Harvey Mackay | 02/22/2010

Luck seems to have a peculiar attachment to work. I’m sure that you have heard the Dave Thomas quote: “It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get.” I would tend to agree with that statement, but I think there are a few other conditions that affect your “luck”…


How Baby Boy Spencer Can Help Your Business

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 02/9/2010

“Hey Sam, how’s Spencer doing? And how does Holly like being a big sister?” As Sam, an industry colleague, answered my questions with a huge smile on his face, I could not help but notice the quizzical look on our fellow colleague Patty’s face. Later, Patty pulled me aside and…


From Rich to Poor and Back Again

By Jason Holland | 01/15/2010

Bob Cox is the creator of Early to Rise’s Epiphany Alliance program, and a success coach for thousands of ETR readers. He’s a self-made millionaire, in-demand business consultant, co-founder of the original home shopping channel, and he personally mentored four men who went on to become billionaires.


Be Relentlessness in Pursuit of Your Dreams

By Robert Ringer | 01/13/2010

Although virtually everyone agrees that “time is money,” I’m convinced most people only pay lip service to this truism. If you’re really serious about it, you need to come to grips with the reality that the key ingredient for converting time into money is self-discipline.


How to Find Your Core Values

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/11/2010

Before you can jump feet first into changing your life with a set of long-term goals, you have a job to do: Figure out what’s really important to you.


Is It Better to Be Pushy… or a Pushover?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/6/2010

Are you a pushy person? Not sure? Take this test: Do you find that your subordinates often work more slowly than you would like them to?


Don’t Waste Your Time on the Wrong Problems

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/5/2010

A former employee of mine once allowed a serious business problem to go unreported because he thought he could fix it himself. He couldn’t — and it cost the company $400,000.


How I ETR’ed It

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 01/5/2010

“At this point, we can’t rule out malignancy,” the doctor said. I just looked at my husband. I knew he was asking the doctor questions, but I didn’t hear any words. I saw his lips moving and felt his strong hand on top of mine. But all I could think…


How to De-Fang Emotionally Charged Criticism

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/4/2010

When one of my clients fired “Bob,” he sent me a vitriolic e-mail criticizing nearly everything about the company he had worked for.