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What To Do When Your Boss Is Looking Over Your Shoulder

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/19/2009

Second-guessers — bosses who delegate authority and then take some of it back — are a very odious sort. Most management books advise you to confront them. In some cases, that may be necessary. But in most cases I’ve witnessed, second-guessing is a response to a real problem. So before…


Do Unto Others…

By Jason Holland | 11/11/2009

Sales and marketing strategies, product development, and the like are essential parts of any business, of course. But, as many of the speakers at ETR’s Info-Marketing Bootcamp have stressed this week, much of your success as an entrepreneur depends on the relationships you form with fellow business builders. In fact,…


The Worst Thing You Can Do When You’re on the Road

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/9/2009

When you’re traveling on business, it’s tempting to skip exercise and grab fast food to save time. Bad idea. You’re on the road for a good reason: There’s something important that requires your attention — and you need to stay mentally alert. The best way to do that is to…


If You Want To Become the Boss One Day…

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/9/2009

If you want to become the boss one day, think like a customer and act like an owner. How do you think like a customer? Let’s start with the obvious. Your customers are interested in what’s good for them, not you. They don’t really care how hard you work or…


Mastering Human Relationships

By Brian Tracy | 11/6/2009

You get more out of your relationships with others — more easily — by not approaching them directly. It’s because of something called the Law of Indirect Effort. For example, if you want to impress someone, the direct way to do it is to point out your admirable qualities and…


Hard Work or Talent?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/5/2009

I believe there is a direct relationship between hard work and success. Those who work harder achieve more. And that applies equally to individuals, families, ethnic groups, and nations. Yes, talent helps. But talent is not something we can choose. It is given to us, as are so many other…


Who’s Your Marlon Brando?

By John Wood | 11/5/2009

Recently on Turner Classic Movies, I watched a documentary simply titled “Brando.” There was a moment in it that sliced through my heart. It didn’t come from the legendary movie actor himself, though.


Make Life Easier: Find One Thing You Have in Common With Your Foes

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/5/2009

We all have “enemies” — unpleasant individuals we can’t avoid because of work or social obligations. As a general rule, we deal with them by staying away as much as possible. When we must interact, we speak as little as we can. Just the facts and goodbye. However, there’s a…


Who Do You Work For?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/4/2009

As a development manager for a real-estate project I consult with, SB takes direction from three people: a profit-center manager, a project manager, and me. Most of the time, our advice and recommendations work together. Sometimes, however, we disagree. And when we do, it throws SB into a frenzy. SB…


Where Do I Find a Mentor?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/23/2009

ETR reader Kendra Pearsall is eager to find a mentor and/or business partner. But she works at home, alone. “How do I find someone to work with?” she asks. Kendra, there are plenty of ways to do it. The most important thing to know is this: Don’t look for a…


What It Really Takes To Become Wealthy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/22/2009

“I don’t have your attitude,” Jeff said to me. “I just don’t have the mindset of someone who can make a lot of money.” “Do you want to make a lot of money?” I asked him. “That’s the sad thing,” he said, smiling wryly. “I do.”


Now or Later?

By Early to Rise | 10/20/2009

When you have an unpleasant job to do, do it right away. The natural tendency is to put it off and hope it disappears. And there are situations for which this kind of head-in-the-sand approach works best. Dealing with conflicts between subordinates, for example. My partner almost always ignores such…