The Best Way to Rise to the Top of Any Business
What’s the best way to surpass your peers and outdo your competitors? Work harder than they do. If that sounds daunting, consider this: Most people don’t work very hard. Some spend their workdays doing as little as they possibly can. Lots more stay busy, but achieve very little. They write…
READ MOREKeep It to Yourself
You know those parents who say they want to be their children’s “best friends”? You know the ones I’m talking about. Those obnoxious moms and pops with six-pack abs and designer jeans who have fun smoking pot with their kids and passing them candy-flavored condoms.
READ MOREUncle Al’s Rules: How To Become Your Company’s Most Valuable Employee
Today, I’d like to give you a simple, three-part formula that, when followed, will make any ordinary employee into a superstar. If you are working for somebody else now, you can use it to become your company’s most valuable employee. And within six months, here’s what you can expect: Your…
READ MOREBeware of Melting Butter
When yet another politician bit the dust not long ago, I couldn’t help but think of Henry Kissinger’s all-too-true observation that “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” I don’t have a lot to say about Governor Mark Sanford’s situation, except that I think the whole thing is very sad. I don’t…
READ MOREHow to Handle the Ongoing Recession
This recession has revealed a psychological rift in the world’s consciousness. A lot of people are scared and angry. They’ve lost their jobs, their businesses, their insurance, and in some cases their self-worth. They feel victimized by events, by elites, and by entities. So they bob up and down, waiting to…
READ MORE3 Simple Strategies for Increasing Your Luck
Do you know somebody who seems to have the best luck in the world? It’s like everything they touch turns to gold. And it doesn’t matter if it’s in their business or their personal life, they just seem to have luck on their side all the time. I can add…
READ MOREThe Simple Secret of… Complexity?
Usually, the writer’s mantra is “K.I.S.S.” (Keep It Simple Stupid.) And most of the time, this rule works just fine. Yet, we also know that writing – especially the kind of writing we do in sales letters and editorially – is more and more about building relationships. And aren’t relationships…
READ MOREBring in the Reinforcements
I’ve just gone through a serious health scare. My 98-year-old grandmother, Mama Da, was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. Our local family hustled to create a 24-hour care program for her. After all, why should a 98-year-old have to stay in the hospital by herself when she has children, grandchildren,…
READ MOREDo You Have a Killer Support System?
Susan was tired of being a professional speaker. She’d often spend 200 days a year on the road, away from her family. And she knew it was time to build a business that wouldn’t be completely dependent on her. But how? She needed a killer support system to help her figure out what she could do and then help her do it.
READ MOREOn Thinking Before Acting
What a tragedy that Farrah Fawcett not only is suffering from terminal cancer, but that her 24-year-old son, Redmond O’Neal, was arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle drugs into a jail to give to a friend. (How comforting it must be to know that your son has buddies in the…
READ MORENegotiate the Close
“If I can do that – get the contract signed by next week – can we lock up this deal right now?” I asked. “Yes, we can,” she answered.
READ MOREWhat Inspires YOU to Be a Better You?
Michael Masterson has mentioned that the good and decent acts of friends, family, associates, and strangers have inspired him to make it one of his New Year’s resolutions – every year – to become a better person….