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What’s Your Back-Up Plan?

By Bob Bly | 05/16/2009

Most of us think that bad things can never happen… or that they only happen to “the other guy.” But what happens when you become “the other guy”?


The Proof of the Matter

By Don Hauptman | 05/16/2009

According to Bryan Garner in Garner’s Modern American Usage“Proved has long been the preferred past participle of prove. But proven often ill-advisedly appears….” He goes on to explain that proven “properly exists only as an adjective,” as in “a proven success.” An exception is traditional legal terminology, e.g., “innocent until proven guilty.”


Entrepreneur, Teacher, AND World Series MVP

By Early To Rise | 05/8/2009

In 1978, New York Yankee shortstop Bucky Dent hit one of the most famous homeruns in baseball history, destroying the dreams of the Boston Red Sox and their chances of going to the World Series. As a huge fan, I remember the exact moment Bucky’s bat connected with Mike Torrez’s pitch. Little did I know that I’d be able to meet him 30 years later, after enrolling my son in the Bucky Dent Baseball School in Delray Beach, Florida. Recently, I had the chance to chat one-on-one with my childhood idol and pick his brain.


Taking Risks Is All Part of the Game

By John Carlton | 05/7/2009

In business, the best opportunities don’t usually announce themselves ahead of time. There is no warning. And there is precious little time to consider your choices.


Networking the Wrong Way

By Jason Holland | 05/6/2009

Networking is a great way to establish personal connections with people in your industry, whether you’re interested in joint ventures, finding a business partner, seeking funding, or looking for a new job.


Say Goodbye to Weekend Weight Gain

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/28/2009

Sleeping in… Barbecues… Dinners out with friends. Weekends can be rough! At least, as far as your body is concerned. But it’s easy to prevent weekend weight gain. Just make sure you work out regularly. (Doing it early in the day is best, and you’ll get a more powerful workout if you combine short-burst exercises with multi-muscle techniques.) And watch what you eat.


Working for the Tip

By Suzanne Richardson | 04/28/2009

It must be the only hotel in New York City, nay, the world, that doesn’t have automatic doors.
But wait! It does have a doorman. Seems friendly enough when you pull up in a cab. Offers to take your bag.
But if you dare to reject his offer to carry your bag into the lobby… he lets you get the door yourself.


Don’t Work Too Hard

By Matt Furey | 04/25/2009

Before my wife Zhannie emigrated to the United States from China, she always ended her messages the same way: “Bu yao tai nu li gong zuo.”


Protect Your Most Precious Business Asset

By Jason Holland | 04/17/2009

In business, your name is – at the most basic level – all you’ve got. So whenever you sell anything, you must make sure it is of the highest quality, it is backed up by top-notch customer service, and that you don’t just deliver on all the promises you make in your advertising… you over-deliver. When you do make a mistake (it happens), you must do everything you can, as quickly as you can, to make it right.


The Power of Pausing

By Brian Tracy | 04/6/2009

Top salespeople ask good questions and listen carefully to the answers. One of the most important listening skills they develop is to simply pause before replying. When the prospect finishes talking, rather than jumping in with the first thing they can think of, they take three to five seconds to…


9 Steps to Defeating Depression

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/6/2009

Of all the many prescriptions for happiness that populate the media these days, the most popular one is also the stupidest. I’m talking about the idea that you can defeat depression by “paying attention to yourself.” The truth is that paying attention to yourself doesn’t make you happy at all.…


7 Steps to Becoming the Best in Your Field

By Mark Morgan Ford | 04/2/2009

To make this year the year you successfully start a profitable business (or make the business you have already started more profitable than ever), resolve to be the smartest person you know about the business you are in.

It’s a bold objective, but it is possible. Here’s how to do it: