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What advice can you offer for better time management?

By Early To Rise | 02/6/2009

“I’m a college professor. As you might be aware, college teaching is a little different from other professions. What advice can you offer for better organization, time management, and the like?”


The Secret to Selling to Seniors

By John Forde | 02/6/2009

What do you know about marketing to the older generation? It might not be enough. Check this out:


Blast Through 5 Roadblocks to Success

By Bob Cox | 02/5/2009

Following a proven goal-setting system can help you specify your objectives, measure your progress, and stay focused. But what do you do when you encounter roadblocks along the way? Today, I’m going to tell you exactly what I do to push through, jump over, toss aside, or take a detour away from five of my personal roadblocks in order to stay on track.


When Being Assertive Goes Too Far

By Jason Holland | 02/4/2009

Confidently asking for what you want, holding others accountable when things go wrong, and not allowing yourself to be talked into making bad decisions are just a few examples of how being assertive can help you get things done.


Is Your Marketing Plan All About Fun?

By Jason Holland | 02/2/2009

You (and your team) have looked at your products and have developed a plan for getting those products in front of your target market.


Employee Review Do’s and Don’ts

By Jason Holland | 01/28/2009

If you want your employees (and your company) to grow, you can help them excel by scheduling formal yearly performance reviews. You sit down with each employee, and take a comprehensive look at all the work they have done over the past year. You discuss how their skills have progressed, their biggest successes, where they need improvement, and their goals for the coming year.


When Common Sense Gets in Your Way

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/23/2009

When you’re at a crossroads in your career – when your heart tells you to go in one direction, but your family and friends are trying to convince you to take a more practical path – what do you do?


Why You Should You Take the Family on Your Next Business Trip

By Jason Holland | 01/22/2009

If your job or business requires you to travel frequently to meet with clients, attend conferences and seminars, or consult with business partners… it could be affecting your home life.

One way to tip your work/home balance back the other way is to bring your family with you on the road.


Simplify Your Life (and Make It Pay Off in More Ways Than One), Part 2

By Charlie Byrne | 01/19/2009

When we left off on Friday, I said, “Just a few weeks ago, my wife and I decided that something need to change, because we didn’t want to live that way. [And what I meant by “that way,” was the way our friends Chuck and Laura were living.] We came up with a plan and have already started fixing the problem.”


Simplify Your Life (and Make It Pay Off in More Ways Than One), Part 1

By Charlie Byrne | 01/19/2009

Judy and John are great friends of ours. Recently retired, they own a beautiful waterfront house in Maryland, a small condo in Florida where they “winter,” and a sailboat just large enough for the occasional cruise down to the Bahamas.


The Wall Street Journal Gets It Wrong

By Suzanne Richardson | 01/19/2009

The Secrets of Marketing in a Web 2.0 World,” announced the front page of The Wall Street Journal business section. Sounded promising, so I took a gander. What I found left me scratching my head:


Are You Asking Enough Questions?

By Jason Holland | 01/16/2009

Whether you’re intimidated by your boss, afraid to look dumb in front of a coworker, or embarrassed by your lack of knowledge, not asking questions can have serious consequences: failed plans, miscommunication, and stalled innovation.