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How Restaurants Are Reacting to the Economy

By Charlie Byrne | 10/2/2008

“If you really want to be sure of that 7:30 p.m. table, ask for it with a French, Spanish, or Italian accent. It will brand you as a potentially bigger spender, the kind helping restaurants outlast a weak dollar and a wobbly Dow.”


Unspeakable Actions, Unspeakable Consequences

By Robert Ringer | 10/1/2008

The media had a field day stripping John Edwards of his “two-Americas” robe, but I’d rather focus on the Greek tragedy Edwards now finds himself starring in. There are a number of insights we can derive from it… especially when we examine the plight of Edwards’s wife, Elizabeth.


Dress for Success?

By Judith Strauss | 09/30/2008

My eighth-grade teacher was a tyrant. Seventh-graders shook in their proverbial boots knowing that they were about to face MISS ZIMMER…


I just want a job I love… What should I do?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 09/26/2008

I am interested in copywriting, marketing, and product creation, but there is no such thing at my current company. I study copywriting and marketing on the side, and have made some money as a freelance copywriter, but I have serious doubts about my ability to do so over a long period of time. My attempts to market my services to high-dollar prospects has been met with silence, and people who do contact me are only concerned with how much – or, rather, how little – I charge


Is Your Ego Bigger Than Your Skill Set?

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 09/24/2008

Whether you are working in a corporate environment or on your own, you should always be building relationships. Relationships with your customers, your competitors, and certainly with your current and previous mentors. If you take these people for granted… and start putting yourself ahead of them… you’ll be burning valuable bridges. And doing that leads to the demise of any business.


How to Buy Your Plane Ticket at the Right Time

By Suzanne Richardson | 09/18/2008

It’s no secret that airline tickets are pretty steep these days. But they still fluctuate. If you’re interested in getting the cheapest tickets possible, several travel sites have come up with “fare trackers.”


What You Can Learn About Art From a Five-Year-Old?

By Judith Strauss | 09/18/2008

When my children were young, we lived walking distance from the Philadelphia Museum of Art. And we often wandered over to spend an hour or so….


Can Your Employees Make Things Right for Unhappy Customers?

By Jason Holland | 09/16/2008

Giving your employees the authority to appease dissatisfied customers – within limits, of course – is a smart way to handle complaints quickly and with minimum fuss….


The Evils of E-Mail Forwarding

By Suzanne Richardson | 09/9/2008

“Some people just don’t care about their customers,” my friend Aileen snapped. “I’m ready to dump this vendor and find someone else!” She was fuming – and it was all because of a common e-mail mistake. The e-mail hadn’t been sent to Aileen. “Jennifer,” a wedding cake baker, had sent…


Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

By Bob Cox | 09/6/2008

You’re at a wedding… at that crucial point in the ceremony when anyone who can show just cause why the couple should not be “united in holy matrimony” is asked to “speak now or forever hold your peace.” I doubt that you’ve ever actually seen someone stand up and give “just cause.” But back in the day when arranged marriages were the norm, it did happen….


Making Money With a Small, Responsive List

By Brian Edmondson | 09/5/2008

If you’ve been online for any amount of time, you’ve probably come across the phrase “The money is in the list.” This, of course, refers to the database of names, e-mail addresses, and other information you may collect from customers and prospective customers. Building a list is the core principle behind the Early to Rise / Agora Model of Internet Marketing.


Why Gas Prices and Airline Fees Shouldn’t Stop You From Traveling

By Lori Allen | 09/5/2008

High gas prices and rising airline fees may be keeping you closer to home than you’d like to be… but they shouldn’t.