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decide between

How to Decide Between Two Equally Good Things

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/7/2008

My son came to me with a question: how do I decide between two jobs that are equally as great looking and sounding? This is what I said.


How to Quiet Your Needy Inner Voice

By Bob Cox | 07/5/2008

“Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve.” Wilfred Peterson I need to e-mail my sister this video of dogs and cats playing. It is so cute, she will love it. I need to check my favorite sports team…


Chemist Forces Children to Eat Sunscreen

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 07/4/2008

Carotenoids are members of a family of nutrients that protect plants and animals from excess sunshine.


A World Traveler’s Secret to Staying Young

By Dr. Al Sears | 06/25/2008

If you do a lot of traveling for business, you’ve probably already discovered melatonin. It eases jet lag and lets you get some precious sleep in those cramped airplane seats. But nature’s sleep regulator holds another little-known secret: It can reverse the effects of aging.


How to Defeat the Fear That’s Holding You Back

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/23/2008

“I don’t dance,” Jane said to her cousin Ray as they watched an older couple dance at the wedding. “I’ve got two left feet. It’s just too embarrassing.” “I used to be terrible,” Ray said. “But then I took some lessons.” “I couldn’t even take lessons,” Jane said. “I’d be…


No Relief in Sight for Rising Food Prices

By Rick Pendergraft | 06/18/2008

Food prices are rising as fast as, if not faster than, energy prices. And it doesn’t look like consumers will get relief anytime soon. But if you know where to look, this can be a moneymaking opportunity for you.


The Science of Giving

By Alexander Green | 06/14/2008

New scientific studies show that we’re actually hardwired to feel good – and live longer – by helping others.


Networking Mistake: Neglecting to Follow Up

By Ilise Benun | 06/10/2008

You already know that you must follow up with people you meet at business functions. This is Networking 101. But it bears repeating, because no matter how well we understand the importance of follow-up, few people actually do it. Maybe you think you’re too busy to follow up. Or you…


Persuade People With Deductive Reasoning

By Paul Lawrence | 06/7/2008

Ordering people around – even if you’re in a position to do so – is one of the least effective ways to get them to do what you want them to do. It’s always better to use proven persuasion techniques to change their thinking – and even their actions – without sounding like a dictator or a jerk.


A Fat-Loss Program for Very Overweight People

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/2/2008

I’m often asked where really overweight men and women should start when it comes to a fat-burning exercise program. My answer is probably not what you’d expect.


The Perfect Gift for Your Graduate

By Suzanne Richardson | 05/26/2008

When my little brother graduated from high school, I gave him a copy of Michael Masterson’s best-selling book Automatic Wealth for Grads… and Anyone Else Just Starting Out. It turned out to be a book he’s read a dozen times. One reason: It’s packed full of strategies for building wealth from the bottom up.


3 Things You Can Get Paid to Photograph on Your Next Vacation

By Shelly Perry | 05/17/2008

To most travelers, a vacation is a time to relax, take in a few museums, enjoy coffee in an outdoor cafe, eat out, and meet new people. But to me, a vacation is also the ticket to some easy extra income…